More Australiana for Slovenia

Day 2,965, 14:11 Published in Slovenia Australia by JackTrout

Thank you, Slovenia, for a great holiday! I have returned to eAustralia, but I still owe you some articles.

So: Back with more Aussie photos for you…

Today, we have images from South Australia and Tasmania (SA and Tas).

Wineglass bay in Tasmania

I don’t actually know where she is. 😛

Hobart, the capital of Tasmania

Ok, I admit it, she’s actually in Sydney.

Sandboarding on Kangaroo Island, off the SA coast

Everyone loves the beach!

Adelaide, the capital of South Australia

Glenelg Beach in SA

Hope you enjoyed the tour. Next time, we’ll see Western Australia and the Northern Territory- then finally, as promised, Queensland. 🙂