Ministry of Foreign Affairs [MoFA]: New treaty with ePoland!

Day 2,462, 05:56 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Buitenlandse Za
Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

As of this minute, we have signed a new treaty with ePoland. What the treaty has changed regarding the old treaty will be explained later on in this article. But first we want to tell you what exactly happened that caused new negotiations which later resulted in the creation of this new treaty.

It started off with the regular reset of the determination bonus. The Polish government sent a message to our president which stated that they wanted to reset the determination bonus. Unfortunately at that time our president had real life problems and, because of that, he had to answer the message on his mobile phone. Our president's response to the Polish government was not sending and, thus, the Polish government didn't receive the answer they should have gotten.

After approximately 24 hours of not receiving any answer, the Polish government started a ‘Natural Enemy’ (NE) vote. As soon as people began noticing that, a congress member started an NE vote against Poland. This was noticed by both governments and a meeting was arranged between both governments.

We sent a delegation to the meeting. The delegation included MrWonka, Willem The Conqueror and it was lead by the president. The meeting started off fine. We discussed what caused the then-current situation and we spoke about how to prevent similar problems in the future. But in the middle of the meeting something went wrong and we had to cancel it for the day, with Willem The Conqueror working on a new version after the meeting.

Between this day and the next day, we had a resistance war (RW) and we lost it because lots of Polish citizens wanted to win a Battle Hero Medal (BH) for their country, as that was part of a mission at the time.

The next day we arranged another meeting, but with another delegation, with the hope that the trouble that was caused the day before would not occur this time. This delegation included Fosite and Kaczyk under the leadership of Willem The Conqueror. The meeting again began fine, and we spoke about the new written version of the treaty that Willem The Conqueror had written the night before. In the middle of the meeting we received some disturbing news. The Polish president told us that a large number of Polish citizens believed the treaty to be broken. This was the main reason why we couldn’t win the second RW: the Polish citizens were defending the regions.

The Polish president also said that he couldn’t give an order to give away the Dutch regions with the next RW as the Polish citizens would kill him due to the fact the citizens believed the treaty to be broken. We came to the conclusion that we had to reactivate the old treaty, but with some changes, so that similarly huge problems like this one wouldn’t occur anymore in the future.

This is why we had to renegotiate another treaty and why we couldn’t RW the regions: because of an event-mission and citizens believing the treaty was broken. Currently, the new treaty has been signed by both presidents and both congresses have approved the treaty.

The new version of the treaty can be found over here:

This version prevents any similar problems from occurring in the future, by stating that the Dutch government must be informed by the Polish government 24 hours before a swap. After those 24 hours, we have 12 hours to start an Emergency Procedure according to article 11.3 of II - Congress, as the treaty grants us to use that. That was, according to our delegation, enough time for the Dutch government to respond.

On behalf of the Dutch government, we would like to thank the Polish government for their cooperation during the negotiations. We hope that this new version of the treaty will bring great things to our relations with ePoland!

Any questions that you have about this treaty can be asked in the comment section below.

Minister of Foreign Affairs,

In-game Minister of Foreign Affairs // Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs,
Willem The Conqueror

Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs,
Lord Halifax

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