Let me Speak Planely, Plato

Day 3,165, 11:39 Published in Cuba Australia by JackTrout

First, sorry for the pun. I just can’t help myself sometimes.

The much anticipated aerial battles have begun at last. The admins’ updates have asked for feedback, so here are some pluses, minuses, and suggestions.

I hope everyone will feel free to agree, disagree, and/or add other pluses, minuses, and suggestions in comments.

First, the battle screen…

The battle screen is kind of boring- I had thought your graphics people might use this opportunity to shine. But aside from the aerial view and a couple small icons, it looks just the same (minus).

Something cooler like missiles firing would be a plus. If these got cooler as the plane quality increases, that would be a plus plus. 🙂

Second, guerilla fights:

There are none (minus). I had anticipated some fighting that required a little hand-eye coordination, and since the air wars obviously don’t, maybe this could be remedied with an aerial dogfight in place of a guerilla fight.

For example, an opponent and I could shoot at moving targets (i.e. surface-to-air missiles) and first to hit best of 3 wins- or something like that. 🙂 Just an idea…

Third, the factories…

Airplane factories and raw materials companies are the same price as the other industries. This is a big plus, since new players can now choose this option at the same rate as food and land weapons.

Finally, the Visa…

Players' use of their plastic is going to have an affect one way or another. The ability to buy factories or planes, as well as to upgrade any new training ground (coming soon please!) is obviously going to be somewhat dependent on peoples’ ability to invest RL money into gold and cc.

But right now, aerial warfare is the fairest game in the game, allowing noobs and lightweights (e.g., me) to compete with the old tanks (yes I am being polite there). 😃

I urge you, Plato, to PLEASE not introduce new packs that allow the Visa power to outweigh every other strength! Let aerial warfare be an island of purity, where even us poor working noobs have a chance to shine a little.

All in all, THANKS for the new module!

Kind regards,

Senior Airman* and one of eRepublik’s first Flying Fish (plusplusplus)