Ladies and gentlemen, eAlbania!

Day 1,449, 08:03 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

Hi eCanadians!


At last the erepublik team added Albania on the map. It take them more than a month, but they succeed.

As you may see eAlbania has 3 regions: Tirana (capital; grain), Albanian coast (fish) and Southeastern Albania (oil). They have boarders with Serbia, FYROM, Greece and Italy.

They will have their 15 days no attack period and then they will be the main target for Serbia and Macedonia. That’s because they both don’t have such resources on their original territories and it will be easier for them to control their colonies if they are closer. So Albania will have no choice which side to join, they just have to chose between Eden and Terra.

I have to mention and Serbia’s new region – Kosovo. Now Serbia will have one more aluminum region. Nothing more to say about it.

For more information you can read the official erepublik article here.