jkeller4000's economic report day 2908

Day 2,908, 06:32 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

Top take home pay countries

s=salary n=net pay

romania s=85 n=80.75
lithuania s=80.01 n=79.21
greece s=83 n=78.85
poland s=80.62 n=78.20
usa s=87.5 n=74.38

Inflation Index
day 2792 : 940

day 2908 : 1273

We increased taxes in the last 100 days, This has caused wages to rise, and prices on the market has risen to accommodate those wage increases. There also was a lot of government spending during the Halloween week so this put a bunch of currency on the markets and an upward pressure on prices. I expect the inflation index to drop in the next coming months. The government has high taxes eventually they will take out all the currency they dumped into the markets and I think they will be trying to hold more currency than before so we can expect the inflation index to drop below 940 in the next hundred days. There was a discussion about holding another set of money for homeland defense. I feel if they passed this they would want to double the effective amount of currency the government holds.