International Press Review Vol 2 Day 2643

Day 2,643, 04:44 Published in Germany United Kingdom by Simio Yosemite Sam

Dear readers,

Here another edition of the International Press Review. If you have suggestions for recommendable articles just PM me.

French writer Nanoyo has startet a new project called "UNITED PRESS ORGANISATION"

He writes:

The Organization focus on the good transmission information* in every country and every language in a decentralized way. This would be a collaborative project from multiple newspaper to spread the information around the world at low cost. The objective is also to promote neutral journalism and the freedom of press. This is why i have to describe what "information" (😉 will be spread. International information, analysis, eRepublik news, Tutorials / guide, every non-political article. This means article about election, government/congress communication (exclusively) won't be translated / spread by the UPO.
But a political analysis could be. If you have any question or if you need precision, just ask.

What i need, actually : Translators and journalists interressed by the ideas. Mostly, i want neutral journalists, analysts in different language, but i actually know few of them.

If you wanna be part of the project, feel free to contact him.

Yosemite Sam01

List of recommended articles

Overview about the international situation

Portuguese MoFA explaning us the international situation. Nice maps making it understandable also for non-Portuguese speakers.

Leto is gone

The President of Portugal explaining why Portugal, Colombia and Iran left Leto.
And here the statement of the Israelian government

Informations about Ukraine

The Ukrainian President inviting weapon and wrm producers to come to the Ukraine showing them the benefits (bonuses/tax policy/political stability) of producing there.

Political history of Austria: The Croatian War Era (I+II)

In this edition we hear about the first attempts for a PTO in Austria and how the PTOers managed to get gold and money from the Austrian state treasury.
Part I:
Part II:

NAP between Netherlands and Hungary

You can find the details about the new NAP and rental agreement between the Netherlands and Hungary in this edition of the Voice of eHungary

History of the NAP negotiations between Chile and Argentina

Pescaman writes about the history of the NAP negotiations between Chile and Argentina from the first intentions to reach a NAP in December 2012 until the recent intentions which failed more than a week ago.
You can look up the original article and my english version here: (ES/EN)
And you can read the German version here: (DE)

Interview with Chilean tank HerrVodka

In this Pescaman interview with HerrVodka the Chilean tank share with us his thoughts about memorable battles and tanking, the war between Chile and Argentina and the game as a whole.

Latest updates: The damage accelerator

Medusa 62 shows us how Plato´s newest invention - the damage accelerator - works. Article in Spanish and English (ES/EN)
And smee gives us the clue how to avoid spending money on this
GLEDKOOM`s humoristic view about it

GAMA´s dark secret

If you ever wanted to know why GAMA sticks together read this article. But don´t take it too serious.

Butt Hurt eReport

You lost the fight for a BH? And your butt hurts because someone else was hitting harder then you. Fill this report and send it to your MU commander.


If you´re a fan of Polandball, here´s another edition by polish author hejter456. Understandable even you don´t speak Polish.