II svetski šahovski turnir/Second World Chess Tournament

Day 4,155, 17:18 Published in Serbia Armenia by Sasa Kostic

Čestitam pobednicima turnira a pre svih Dejanu Rackovu koji je pre poslednjeg kola osvojio prvo mesto. Čestitam i svim ostalim igračima na lepim partijama koje su ostvarili ali i na druženju. Treći turnir zakazujem za 1. maj 2019. godine. Očekujem da će nam se pridružiti još šahista, pre svih naših šahovskih prijatelja iz Poljske koje uspešno organizuje Damio.

7. aprila će biti podela nagrada. Turnir nismo zatvorili jer:
NIJE GOTOVO. Ko želi može da predloži jednu svoju partiju ili partiju bilo kog igrača za koju misli da je najlepša. Ostali igrači glasaju (3 poena za najlepšu, 2, 1) i ne mogu da glasaju za svoju pariju. Danas i sutra prukupljamo partije, a 8. aprila glasamo.

Congratulations to the winners of the tournament and first of all to Dejan Rackov who won the first place before the last round. Congratulations to all the other players on the nice games that they have achieved but also on the socializing. I schedule the third tournament for May 1, 2019. I expect that more chess players will join us, above all of our chess friends from Poland who are successfully organizing Damio.

April 7 will be a reward. We did not close the tournament because:
IT'S NOT OVER. Whoever wants to offer his own party or party to any player he thinks is the most beautiful. Other players vote (3 points for the most beautiful, 2, 1) and can not vote for their own game. Today and tomorrow we are gathering parties, and on April 8 we vote.


Svetsko šahovsko prvenstvo za 2019. godinu će se sastojati od šest turnira (svaki drugi mesec). Na svakom turniru deset prvoplasiranih igrača dobija određene rejting poene u zavisnosti od plasmana. Sledeća tabela prikazuje igrače sa osvojenim rejting poenima na oba turnira.

Na kraju godine proglasiće se i nagraditi najbolji šahista eRepa.
Treći Open turnir počinje 1. maja 2019. godine.

Zainteresovani mogu da se prijave već sada popunjavajući sledeći upitnik: https://forms.gle/WzyhidjE9b83xiMJ8

The World Chess Championship for 2019 will consist of six tournaments (every second month). In each tournament ten top-ranked players receive a certain rating point depending on the placements. The following table shows the players with the points scored in both tournaments.

At the end of the year, the best chess player of the eRepa will be proclaimed and rewarded.
The third Open Tournament starts on May 1, 2019.

Interested players can apply by filling in the following questionnaire: https://forms.gle/WzyhidjE9b83xiMJ8

Uporedo sa ovim takmičenjem računaće se i plasman igrača iz Srbije i na kraju godine će se proglasiti najbolji šahista eSrbije.

Sledeća tabela prikazuje plasman igrača iz Srbije posle dva turnira.

Zahvaljujemo se donatorima koji su doprineli da turnir dobije na kvalitetu i značaju:

Propozicije takmičenja možete pročitati ovde.

Parove, tabelu i linkove igrača možete videti/You can see pairs, tables, and player links - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MGfJOEmzCWDRW1r4KsZ-JwAZDPtZAZSHJNxipr16G7c/edit?usp=sharingovde.

Sledeći turnir će se održati od 01. maја 2019. godine.

Zainteresovani mogu da se prijave već sada popunjavajući sledeći upitnik: https://forms.gle/WzyhidjE9b83xiMJ8

Interested players can apply by filling in the following questionnaire: https://forms.gle/WzyhidjE9b83xiMJ8

Choice of the most beautiful game of the tournament

Ko želi može da predloži jednu svoju partiju ili partiju bilo kog igrača za koju misli da je najlepša. Svi igrači glasaju (3 poena za najlepšu, 2, 1) ali ne mogu da glasaju za svoju pariju ili partiju koju su predložili. 7. aprila prukupljamo partije, a 8. aprila glasamo. I kibiceri mogu da učestvuju u glasanju.
Whoever wants to suggest one of his games or a game of any player that he thinks is the most beautiful. All players vote (3 points for the most beautiful, 2, 1) but can not vote for their game or the game they have proposed. On April 7, we are collecting games, and on April 8 we vote. And the kibisers can take part in the vote.
Predložene partije:
Proposed Games:

1. Dejan Rackov: mrsavobelivojvoda - Kerlc1 https://lichess.org/VxoaLqMU
2. Damio22: Kusznik Paulson - Damio22 https://lichess.org/KwTW88u4
3. VelAco: VelAco - Stivek https://lichess.org/jCFjgMGu
4. Sasa Kostic: Stivek - Dejan Rackov https://lichess.org/n6QkJGLI
5. Ratkovo: Dejan Rackov 1999 -Furious Froggy https://lichess.org/4Wf4e2P3
6. Behemont: Ratkovo - Stivek https://lichess.org/MSeh5PWd
7. mrsavibelivojvoda: Kerlc1 - seratorstrasni https://lichess.org/MksbZQb2

Ovako su glasali igrači:

1. partija - 2 boda
2. partija - 2 boda
3. partija - 11 bodova
4. partija - 2 boda
5. partija - 4 boda
6. partija - 3 boda
7. partija - 11 bodova

Slavodobitnici su Kerlc1 sa nagradom od 6 golda i seratorstrasni i 4 golda, kao i VelAco 6 i Stivek 4 golda

Kerlc1 - seratorstrasni https://lichess.org/MksbZQb2
VelAco - Stivek https://lichess.org/jCFjgMGu