IA Candidate Platform - Oraizan

Day 743, 15:00 Published in Austria Denmark by Oraizan

As you can see, and have read in this article I am running under the IA for Country President. I am writing this article to tell you a little bit about myself. 🙂

I started off as eJapanese, living in Kanto. I was raised by well known Japanese under principles which I hold IRL as well, seeing as I am Buddhist.

Due to the diversity of nationalities in my birth-country, I became tolerant quickly to their cultures as we all united under one flag. I see Austria as something very similar. We are all from other places around the world. Some Americans, some Croation, Austrian, etc. and then myself being Swedish. This is one of the best things for a nation to have, because I personally think it is great to be surrounded by tons of different people and different cultures. Thus, I grew up in such a country and was able to learn a whole lot more than just about Japan IRL, but other countries all over the world.

Through this country I became aquainted with Austria. In May-June 2009 I became the MoFA for eJapan under Kokawayoshi Makoto, and that is when I first came to know Austria. There was only around 5 people that visited the IRC, the main people being Metallon and Lynari. They were my first friends, and welcomed me to the country with open arms. After that I was hooked. I joined in on your forums, IRC, and read your media daily on-top of my home country at the time. Ever since then Austria has always been my second home, and now my first.

So you may ask, why did you leave Oraizan? Simply there was a change in the atmosphere of the country, it became dominated by one culture (one which isn't the friendliest, and not Japanese in the slightest) and I decided that I needed to find a better place that suits me where I can use what I have learned thus far.

My recor😛
Congress x6 (5eJapanese 1 Austrian)
MoFA x3 (eJapan)
eJapanese President (eJapan)
Minister of Culture&Events x3 (eJapan)
PEACE Diplomat, and Eisenhorn's personal secretary (rofl)

As my previous article stated, my main goal is to raise the population in austria and bring in more IRL Austrians. The most important thing I have learnt is that population is a key factor for a country to do well. There is small nations, medium, and giant. Small nations change easy and don't go very far. They lack active people, and the economy usually fluctuates often. I believe Austria's main goal would be to become a medium sized nation, or at least close to it. This all starts with population, we would do well with a baby-boom, and if we play our cards right we may be able to keep many of them active and raise them to help Austria in the long-term. Of course, I am starting this now under Rangeley as Minister of Education.

I'm usually neutral when it comes to alliances, though I lean more onto PEACE due to having more friends in it than Eden, and agreeing more with their charter.

I want the army to become more organized. I don't know very much about it right yet as I believe it is just being kick-started, but it's structure needs a lot of work. I am hoping if elected we will be able to achieve a common ground among Austrians and establish a monthly budget with congress which the Minister of Defense will be restricted to.

Economy needs a ton of help. I plan to go over the taxes and GDP over the next few days to see what changes can be made and what I think will benefit Austria. I am very happy with the current Minister of finance for raising the Austrian government money some, even though I have not been able to chat with him. I want to keep the same programs running in this area. However, we all know the job wages are lacking, and the Austrian market is almost unprofitable. I believe we can easily do this by adjusting taxes and raising/lowering the value of ATS, which I will look into the next few days.

Cabinet will be touched in the next article I write. :3

If there is any eAustrian with a question on something, or if I missed a topic let me know. I will gladly answer as quick as possible, and try to do so in both english and German.
