I am here because:

Day 3,043, 12:16 Published in USA USA by Mike Ontry

Melissa Rose requested that everyone that is still around in this game write an article explaining what's kept them here. Here is my response.

I enjoy the game and have enjoyed it from the beginning. I was fortunate and was able to join a MU called Pickle's Patriots when I was first starting out. Thedillpickl and the rest of the crew helped me become self sufficient and gave me a solid head start on my citizen. There was a lot of coaching in the MU and it was great for a long while but it slowly died out due to a mixture of game events, citizen deaths and I'm sure RL had something to do with it too. If it wasn't for this group I probably wouldn't have stayed long and would never have got involved in other groups.
Old Pickle's Patriots Logo

Skipping ahead.

The main thing that keeps me around now is my party, We The People. I've invested a lot of time and energy here. Right now activity is lacking across the board country wide but there are things in the works and things right now that are making a small difference. That's why I'm still here. That's why I'm taking this time out of my day and writing this article. That's why I've spent the time I have and will spend creating programs and tools and websites. I want to help make a difference.