Hungarians, do you wait for Christmas?

Day 1,027, 03:51 Published in Hungary Nigeria by Iosy DeadMan

Hello to all hungarian people!!!

We all know that you hate us since your ancestors, the mongols, were stoped in their path to conquer the Europe by Badea Gheorghe, who stole their horses when they stopped for a refill in, what today you know as Transilvania...

Anyway, many of the mongols reached today's Hungarian teritory, but a couple of them remained in Transilvania. Romanians hate the hungarians with romanian citizenship, but also you, the hungarians from Hungary, hate them also...

I belive that the trolls from eRomanian press are those hungarians who wakes up every day and sees Romanians everywhere... I also belive that those people feeds your aversion to romanian people.

I can't think at any other reason why you don't attack eRomania. You say that we are weaker, but it seems you can't find your balls to attack us, or you realized that you can't put up a fight against us.

If you really hate us, although I don't think so, we are waiting for you, in Transilvania.. We will be prepared, will you be prepared?

PS: Please execuse my bad english!
PPS: Please post your comments in english!!!