How they do it in eBulgaria

Day 1,458, 07:46 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

Starting this article I must say I’m a RL Bulgarian. Why I’m an eCanadian is not that interesting. As a Bulgarian I read almost all their press. Bulgaria has a lot of ambassadors in many of the eCountries and they write about every news and event so all eBulgarians to be informed of what happens around the eWorld. I like it and I think Canada should do the same. In this article I’ll try to explain how the Bulgarians play this game.

Baby booms

Every big nation in erepublik starts its progress with a baby boom. I don’t think there is another way and I don’t think there will be.
When I joined the game Bulgaria had no more than 500 active citizens. Today they are over 2 500. They tried all popular ways – spamming their friends on facebook, skype, on-line forums, chats and so on. It has some success but the first real big baby boom happened when a guy wrote several letters to different TV channels and at the end one of them showed a report about erepublik and all the battles this virtual Bulgaria had against their neighbors. We are on Balkans and fighting with neighbors is very attractive.
Unfortunately lately the Bulgarian youtube-like site blocks all videos related to erepublik and this type of advertising is over. The new idea is to put a banner in one of the most visited web sites here. They are collecting RL money and soon we’ll see what the result is.
Bulgaria has very good educational press and mentors program for keeping babies in the game as soon as possible.

Military action
RL Bulgaria is surrounded by Serbia, FYROM and Turkey (well Greece and Romania too). With ONE’s domination in the past months that caused several wipes of all regions. Having Bulgaria occupied is not good for every of the mentioned countries because they double their resources and gain nothing but pain in the a** with all Bulgarians fighting in several RWs. So last month Bulgaria signed a Non attacking pact with Serbia, FYROM and Turkey. This way Bulgaria was free to look for new resources and stabilize their economics. They took major part in liberation of Ukraine, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia and Israel form Turkish occupation and then they hired for two months 2 Ukrainian (fish and saltpeter) and 1 Russian (oil) regions. Now Bulgaria is focused on war with Hungary trying to help Romania. The first attempt (3 days before) wasn’t successful and now they vote Hungary for NE for second time hoping this time there will be some difference.
Bulgarian government does not fund MU. Funding is only for the army and some paramilitary groups.
In the past month they made a reform. They reduced money for food and weapons but organized a program in which every army member got 8500 BGN to build a q4 WRM company. Every soldier had to return money back in a week (or 10 day or something like that) and then he got another 8500 BGN and so on. At the end every army member has 3 WRM companies. The idea is to reduce funding for the army and this way to invest more in civilians and supplies for +4000 strength foreign players when they are needed.

Politics is very important for most of the Canadians. I can’t explain it to myself why is that so but that is the fact. In Bulgaria probably less than 20% of the people care about elections, who is running and what his goal is. Most of Bulgarians vote for their friends no matter of which party they are members. Even on the last party president elections there was a strange contest to PTO two of the parties just for having fun. And that is not for the first time.

If you have any questions write a comment 🙂