Help Someone in Need

Day 1,909, 19:29 Published in Japan Denmark by Oraizan
Yagami Mii is now in the positive, thanks to all that helped by donating voting or shouting! and all those that would have helped but we're late, thanks too! You can find Mii's article here:

This can happen to anyone, so be aware. If you didn't referr anyone, report it to admins and dont collect your gold.

As we all know in ejapan, someone or somebody has been attacking people with multies. One of my party members got hit with them and admins unjustly left her with negative 113kcc.

As she is one of our translators and an important member to our community, if everybody could donate to her at least 1cc and vote/shout this article or a comment saying the same thing to help her out of debt.
Help Yagami Mii, donate at least one cc to her! Click here!

Other cases are like this:
If this happens to you, dont hit collect and report it to admins!

Chain shout:
Help someone in need, one of ejapans translators, even 1cc will help.

Thanks to everybody who helps! I, all my party and many of us on irc really appreciate the effort. Please vote my article so we can spread the word faster.
SOS Brigade Chief.