Hello Nooby- Wednesday? Today- Crocs

Day 2,913, 02:23 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

Hey Peoples!

Sorry, Tuesday kinda slipped by unnoticed. And I can’t think of a damn thing to talk about, except crocs. Look, there’s one just there >>>

/croc thinks: “Smells like chicken, nom nom!”

So, what do crocs have to do with food? Well, like myself, they are dangerous when hungry…

If you are an eAussie under Level 26, write a comment below to receive 200 Q1 foods for free. The best comment of what the croc is thinking gets an extra 100!

Ok, I’m putting some cheap Q1 foods for sale now. GOGOGO- To the market for a bargain! Then come back and comment. Then check out the JDS update here:


Once again, I have no idea what next week’s topic will be, so if you think of one, comment below or PM me. Eat well and train hard!
