For the Love of Wolf: MEK VaronAzul Speaks

Day 2,909, 07:02 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout
This is the fifth in a series of interviews with members of the Mobile Elite Korp- known throughout the eWorld as MEK.

This week, we interview eCuban MoFA and Div 1 MEK, VaronAzul.

1. What MU’s were you in before, and why did you decide to join MEK?

I have been in a really big number of MU’s, Halcones NEL, EDLZ, Black Spectra, BDC, FFAA, those are all Spanish. Also Ratnici esrbije (Serbia), EPC, and People’s Army of Cuba.

I have been waiting to join MEK for over a year, a mate told me I would need some strength/damage so I have trained hard. Why I joined, MEK is an MU I had been watching for a long time, that mate told me about the activities of MEK, and told me this MU is like a big family, so I wanted to join this family.

2. How long have you been a MEKie? Pisco tells me you were holding and gathering strength for a long time before you joined MEK?

I joined a few weeks ago, so we can’t say I am an old member. 🙂 Yes, I have been holding approximately 1 year and 6 months, but I have to recognise I haven’t finished my holding yet.

3. Are you mostly a fighter, or do you also enjoy other parts of the game?

Sad for a lot of people, I am a bad fighter, what I really like is foreign affairs in politics. Also I discovered my newspaper, I love to subtitle videos and publish them (if I make something fun about friends or situations, even better).

VaronAzul’s Profile

4. What is the best MEK battle you’ve been in?

I didn’t participate in any yet, but I am getting some information to know about how this MU fights.

5. Will you tell us a little about who you are in RL?

This a really personal question, but okey just between me and you, I will tell you. I am Spanish, recently entered university, and am 18 years old. I am a goalkeeper in handball and I don’t have a girlfriend. 🙁

Where does your nick come from?

VaronAzul comes from a game about WW2, where I wanted my nick to be Baron Rojo (Red Baron - German pilot) but it was already used. Then I tried Baron Azul (Blue Baron) but it was also in use, so I decide to try with VaronAzul and it was my nick.

Some Spanish friends call me Avatar or Pitufo (children’s cartoons) because in Spanish VaronAzul means blue man. 🙂

6. Would it surprise your RL friends that you are in an elite MU?

This game is TOP secret for my friends, no one knows about this. 🙂

7. What would you like to see MEK do to celebrate the next MEK Day?

I would like to have a big meeting to better get to know other members, or make a big coordinated battle to help some country.

8. What do you think of MEK Commander Pisco Soares?

Better not answer {bad} because he’d probably kill me! He gave me a really good welcome and he always answers me when I have some questions, so he is friendly and we can discover that he likes to help others. Pisco please, when you read this article, my link to donate is www.erepublik...

9. Do you see yourself ever being commander of MEK?

I have recently come, so not right now, in future if Pisco and old members leave could be, but it isn’t my intention.

10. What is the best thing about MEK? And what would you describe as MEK’s mission?

As I mentioned before, MEK is a great family and you could test this once you joined it. People believe that the only mission of an MU is to win money as mercenary, but this MU is a place to learn about eRepublik and other aspects of daily life.

11. Is there anything else that you think people should know about you?

I don’t think so, or yes, if any girl wanna call me (Spanish girl pls), my number phone is 699 57 ... 😛

Sorry for writing so much but that is the problem of doing an interview. 🙂

Not a problem, mate!

12. Is there a photo or graphic you’d like to use in the article?

This is my ereligion Spanish family:

Thanks for your time and your somewhat charming answers, VaronAzul. Next week: I don’t know yet!