For the Love of Wolf: MEK Guagature Speaks

Day 2,945, 12:30 Published in Slovenia Australia by JackTrout

This is the tenth in a series of interviews with members of the Mobile Elite Korp- known throughout the eWorld as MEK.

This week, we interview eAustralian Div 4 MEK, Guagature.

1. How long have you been a MEKie?

I am only a baby MEK, I have been here for the last two months.

2. What MU’s were you in before, and why did you decide to join MEK?

Directly before MEK I was Commander of ADF. Prior to ADF I spent almost all my game time in TCO (The Crimson Order) in both eCanada and eAustralia. TCO by far is one of the great MU’s in-game but due to game changes and loss of interest by members, it became a shell of its former self. RIP TCO o7

Why not join MEK, it is the best group around holding some great tanks along with some superb personalities in-game.

3. Are you mostly a fighter, or do you also enjoy other parts of the game?

I try to play every part of the game where time permits, although I prefer the military side at the moment as Plato screwed both the economy and politics.

Guagature’s Profile

4. What was the best MEK battle you like to remember, and why?

Unfortunately due to RL commitments I have yet join a MEK battle. 🙁

5. Will you tell us a little about who you are in RL?

Well I am 40 years old with 5 boys.

Recently I left my secure electrical job in the mining industry, to increase our family cleaning business by adding a second stand-alone company on the back of the first.

6. Would it surprise your RL friends that you are in an elite MU?

Hahahaha, they would possibly disown me for playing what has become a shite game.

7. What would you like to see MEK do to celebrate the next MEK Day?

It has to be something that gets members motivated and more involved within the game, possibly with Plato’s poor effort of Dictator module, it would be nice to see the freedom of a country under Dictatorship.

8. What do you think of MEK Commander Pisco Soares?

Bastard!!! He keeps making me give him goldz. 😛

Pisco is doing a brilliant job, knowing the time and effort it takes to run an MU along with supplying members, he cannot be faulted in any way. Pisco has the MU at heart and will only do what is best for its members.

9. Do you see yourself ever being commander of MEK?

No way. If you need clarification read question 8 again, Pisco can never be removed from that position.

10. What is the best thing about MEK? And what would you describe as MEK’s mission?

It would have to be the commitment of members, if they set a goal to achieve everyone wants to pitch in to get it done.

MEK’s mission would definitely have to be through brotherhood, commitment, and communication, MEK will be the elite MU to be in.

11. Is there anything else that you think people should know about you?

Nope. 😉
It is better to keep people wondering if they know me by my in-game actions.

12. Is there an image you’d like to use in the article? (N.B. Guag’s first image was hilarious but extremely fp-able; this is his second (and sorry for the poor quality of censorship!).

Many thanks to Guag for his time and honest answers.

Next week, another MEK will speak, count on it!