For the Love of Wolf: MEK Filipe de Cabanas Speaks

Day 2,924, 09:54 Published in Slovenia Australia by JackTrout

This is the seventh in a series of interviews with members of the Mobile Elite Korp- known throughout the eWorld as MEK.

Our interview today is with eArgentinian Div 3 “Most likely to Vote Everything” MEK Filipe de Cabanas.

1. How long have you been a MEKie?

I joined MEK 4 months ago.

2. Why did you decide to join MEK?

I decided to join MEK because I like MAYHEM! 🙂

3. What was the best MEK battle you like to remember, and why?

I remember a long time ago when Guayana was MEKLAND!

Filipe de Cabanas’ Profile

4. Will you tell us a little about who you are in RL?

I’m a 30 year old white male Bastard and a Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration technician.

5. What would you like to see MEK do to celebrate the next MEK Day?

I’m expecting some FUN AND MENACE!

6. What do you think of MEK Commander Pisco Soares?

I love him! He has all the things to be in command, especially the love for the MU!

7. Do you see yourself ever being commander of MEK?

No, I see Pisco as the eternal Commander as long has he wants to be in command.

8. What is the best thing about MEK? And what would you describe as MEK’s mission?

Well I’m not an old fag in MEK so it’s hard to tell the best thing, and what I describe as MEK’s mission will be a Unit of beasts who gather around to spread some terror and mayhem upon our enemies, and always helping our allies and friends.

9. Is there anything else that you think people should know about you?

Well most times I’m trolling, so don’t take it so serious if you are my friend- if you are my enemy, take it serious because sheeeit it’s gonna happen!

10. Is there a photo or graphic you’d like to use in the article?

Many thanks to Filipe de Cabanas for his time and enthusiastic answers! Next week: Another fascinating look into the world of MEK!