For the Love of Wolf: MEK CatBea Speaks

Day 2,937, 13:32 Published in Slovenia Australia by JackTrout

This is the ninth in a series of interviews with members of the Mobile Elite Korp- known throughout the eWorld as MEK.

This week, we interview CatBea, eChinese Div 4 (and soon to be Legend!) MEK tank.

1. How long have you been a MEKie?

I'm MEK since MEK has existed, Passos Coelho invited me to start this project and I accepted.

2. What MU’s were you in before, and why did you decide to join MEK?

I was at the Pinguim Flu army, the greatest war machine ever existed in eRep... 🙂, led by KLAVH, Malagueta and JMPC, but due to game changes most of those players left the game.

CatBea, where does your nick come from?

(No answer; I guess this will remain a mystery!)

CatBea’s Profile

3. What was the best MEK battle you like to remember, and why?

On a MEK day we decided to RW Baja from US, that was too easy, so we went to eAustralia to try to release eAUS from FYROM, it was epic.

4. Are you mostly a fighter, or do you enjoy other parts of the game?

I've been thru all the modules, when I started, the economic module was relay work and it was challenging... 🙂 In Politics I have been PP as well as congressman, and held Government positions as MoD, MoFA and CP Adviser...finally I decided to grow in Military.

5. Will you tell us a little about who you are in RL?

I'm an IT consultant with two awesome daughters.

6. Would it surprise your RL friends that you are in an elite MU?

I don't think so, we are all quite competitive.

7. What would you like to see MEK do to celebrate the next MEK Day?

I would like to see a challenge that will motivate everybody to participate, because that is our main goal, getting everybody motivated and engaged.

8. What do you think of MEK Commander Pisco Soares?

Intelligent, dedicated and focused... bottom line, very good commander.

9. Do you see yourself ever being commander of MEK?

If needed, for now I'm quite happy being a pain in the @$# for Pisco Soares... 🙂

10. What is the best thing about MEK? And what would you describe as MEK’s mission?

Brotherhood and commitment, we stand for all our fellow comrades and when we set a goal we usually get it done.

11. Is there anything else that you think people should know about you?

Well I'm pretty much what you see, basically I'm an assertive guy that can hear others but stands by his opinion until the end unless proven wrong ... 🙂

Thanks CatBea, for your time and focused answers! Next week, more stuff you didn’t know about MEKies!

All endorsements go to MEK, so pony up, peoples! 😃