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Day 812, 10:03 Published in Poland Italy by Oivalf

Dear Readers,

- Power is the capacity to do something by yourself.

- Influence is the capacity to make others do what you want.

- The influence of a country may be higher or lower than its power. It all depends how can negotiator's president.

- Influence is earned through diplomacy and by building and maintaining good personal relationships with the others presidents.

- Influence is built hard and lost quickly.

- To become influential must get involved, not isolate us.

All the above ideas are illustrated with examples from the game

If the game would have and newspapers, perhaps you would be very boring to work, train and (if you where) to fight.

So come the last days the most interesting things happening in media.

As there were many comments about "the knees", of "desertion" and other hard phases, I thought not hurt to explain and as I see some real-life terms. And what happens to them when they are transplanted eRepublik.

My impression is that in real life, and eRepublik, some people confuse power with influence. That's why I start here.

A man or a country has power if you can do something alone. Or indirectly, using some mechanisms to increase its shares. Mechanisms do not hesitate and do not comment.

In the real world, a man in a position of authority is an entire state apparatus available, populated by people who are obliged to pay, sworn by, laws, etc. to execute "such and in time boss orders.

In the game, all are volunteers. Play for fun. There's no way that you can and put in jail on recalcitrant. Or to cut wages (they go to another "company&quot😉.

Moreover, are "soldiers", they work anyway on wages that allow them to buy only one "bread". Quality "bread" wellness depends on how many points you have to rebuild after working at the company "military unit". And so. If they work "in private" should "win" for about 3 times more.

That means someone who is "boss" in eRepublik has no power. To make them listen to others, should have influence. I mean to get on the same wavelength with them and convince them to do ask him / her to do.

This is true of "commanders" military units "to" ministers "and" presidents ". I put quotation marks because no "president" of eRepublik not open any car journey with SPP.

Country-level things are much the same. eRepublik is a game based on war, the power of a country relative to another country is represented by how much damage so the population of a military + army + population compared to the other. And to talk of power (in international context) in May there must be a common border. If we can not and invaded, we can not do what we want just because we give more damage than can give her.

But if we have a common border? Well I saw with Bulgaria: in terms of power, we are an elephant and a flea them. They and?

A country can offset the difference in power through influence. Quite simply: all you have to do is convince them that the president of the presidents of other powerful countries to help. Then the country's president must persuade powerful Congress / Parliament of his country to vote with an MPP poor country. And after your MPP is signed, the country's president must persuade powerful "army" of his country and the rest of the population, to fight for the weaker country (and fight for others? &quot😉.

So the country's president must have strong influence in his country and poor country's president, international influence.

It happens to poor countries to be very influential and powerful countries to be very little influence. How to win or lose the influence of presidents, it is clear that for a country to be internationally influence it must have a president able to influence other presidents.

Gaining or losing influence is through communication with other presidents. To have influence, you have to offer something interesting for president this month. Not the last month. Or one who was depending on in August, when his country was left in two provinces and that helped our country and a president to issue.

The origin of "lack of gratitude?"

Simple: the fact that presidents are elected by the players.

If this month's president has pledged to attack somebody, players in his country that "were tired of fighting for others," then we must help him do that. Otherwise we can not have influence on it. As if not satisfy voters, he loses his influence in the country. And if there is no influence of all sorts of things can happen. It got off, lost control of the army, there is reelected, etc..

But we do if we have been chosen because I promised to attack somebody? Then the only way we can gain influence, that is to get his help, is to make so that our attack to be blended with his attack.

What happens when we strike?

When we strike, refused to help. If it does not help, could not meet their objectives. But as well might you and meet them (because also has other allies, and that may be better understood and those allied campaigns reinforce each other better).

On the other hand, if you help us and neglects his own goals, then certainly you have a problem at home.

Therefore if the strike threatens generally steers them take the bike. If his plan is not out, you can always blame "allies which helped. And with any luck, will be able to be reelected.

How comes the power equation of each country influence?

Every president, regardless of the promised home, can hardly succeed without the support of other countries. The more a country is more powerful (give more damage), the more she can negotiate better objectives in relation to the other members of the alliance. This provided that they know the president to discuss. I mean to be a good diplomat.

When it happens that influence a country get less than its power (its ability to give damage)?

After the discussion above, perhaps the answer is quite simple:

1. When "President" means stupid with counterparts;

2. When "President" proposed a plan unrealistic and insist to receive support for him. An unrealistic plan is one for which no resources to be brought up again. If new resources we finished the half the plan, who should be responsible for the other half? It's OK to start stuff just to whom we blame if not out?

3. When the country has recently received "black ball". "Black ball" is raising a lot easier than "white balls. That's mostly because many players who have seen "white balls" are bored of playing, gets 2 clicker, leave or are expelled.

In addition, "white balls" are related to one country (the one that I made a service), while "black balls" spoil relations with many allies at once.

Example: when France went on strike in North America, not just Hungary suffered. Hungary suffered first, as he flew from Alaska and Nunavut. But once removed Hungary from North America, the U.S. has gone to Asia and left and the Indonesians and the Iranians without their colonies in which expel iron.

Readers with experience have probably made a point: in such an alliance is about 4.5 EDEN countries are very strong (and fortunately for now Romania is one of them). It certainly can not run 4.5 offensive alliance different and they all win. And Phoenix in general we can take maximum 2 campaigns successful long-term (that stretched over several weeks). How can we please everybody?

The answer is that it is impossible for everyone to be happy in the same month. Therefore any country should have plans that extend beyond the mandate of a president. These plans must be kept alive in the minds of allies even when presidents change. How to do this?

First of all as "president", &quot😉efense Minister" and "foreign minister" to be among people who know how to be friends with other "presidents" and "ministers".

Most times in every country people rotate about the functions. So the one who was "defense minister" or "foreign minister" appears this month as "president" a few months later.

It is very important that the trio "president", &quot😉efense Minister", "Foreign Minister" to be tactful and sociable person. Because they had to make friends easily and keep relationships and is no longer in office. You mean longer meet the chats / skype / messenger, to say two jokes, to be more interested in how things work in the other country, a further reading press there to have something smart to talk, etc..

Moreover, people are usually sociable and with tact and influence. Influence them in the country. It is easier to obtain the cooperation of other "ministers" or "master" without beating his fist on the table. And often, I know and explain "voters" how things international. Can I be notified when to attack on some of the neighbors and I have to train ourselves in Training Wars or assist allies to achieve their goals, accumulating at the same time when gold and weapons to turn our campaigns.

And if the trio above ( "president", &quot😉efense Minister", "foreign minister&quot😉 have done good job and still preserves relationships with influential people from other countries, then surely our turn comes.

p.s last article, change the nation tomorrow, I gleaned a few subscribers in Poland, clear that Italy is not very popular in Poland ...

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