Fishy Advice?

Day 2,917, 06:09 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

Hey Peoples,

Just wanted to let you know, I’ll be taking a break from all things political, and probably will go walkabout for a bit when this congress term ends. So I just thought I’d abuse having your attention for a minute to offer up some fishy images and even fishier advice. 😃

Hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget to vote for your new Party Pres today!

Appreciate all good things

Fight hard

Be creative

Help each other

Enjoy beauty

Try to be fair

Bring your friends to eAustralia

Be fearless

Eat well

Make all kinds of friends

Speak up (but be civil!)

Never stop dreaming

Hail Australia!
Hail Democracy!
Hail the ADP!
