First World Leftism: A Continual Failure

Day 3,131, 02:39 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

The first world leftist movement is a joke. The alt-right is more successful at intellectually promoting their ideas and recruiting talented members to their community. These short comings are just pure stupidity that has gone unchallenged and has allowed to fester in many leftist communities. This will be an overview of some of the points of the failure of communist and leftist communities. This is an expanded version of an old article that was taken down. I have edited the article and expanded on a few points.

The LGBT Community
LGBT rights has been a huge resource sink for something that is ultimately bourgeois and reactionary. The movement has done little for true acceptance and really only gave rights to people who wanted to be domesticated into the culture of capitalism. The LGBT community had its own subversive and at the time illegal resources where they operated outside of the law.

What has brought us to the current situation is a combination of 3 forces: straight compassion with out acceptance, straight imperialism, and gay capitalism. The population believes we are human's who deserve rights. Much like African Americans we have been given our rights, but they still look down on us. What really gets them off is when they see a gay couple who lives down the street; has two adopted kids; one husband comes over to play poker on thursdays; two adults living in a domesticated sexless marriage. The other force we see is the capitalist desire to bush their imperialism on new markets and the local bourgeois to gain access to the global bourgeois.

All the consumer culture that middle class family life encourages is now coming upon the gay community. Gay people once could actually be authentic to who they were, because they did not have to follow the rules of the capitalist structure that makes people unhappy. Now that we have bourgeois freedom we are free to be as unhappy as straight people are.

On another issue, this movement has allowed a run away of privileged people to claim everything is a gender and feed bourgeois debauchery. I get to waist resources because I as a privileged white person want attention. Call me an agendered asexual and despite my family and my surroundings accepting me I am oppressed. These angsty kids are taking away actual resources that go to LGBT who are really in need and actually just make a joke of gay people. These trans-poodles are like the black face of the LGBT community.

I find so many in our leftist communities actually defend this co-opting of gay people and this teen angst 76 genders nonsense.

Ethical Capitalism
I see many people who are intellectual leftists and support the causes but are unwilling to make changes in lifestyle. If we really care about change we must be able to live the change.

One example is veganism/vegetarianism there is benefits to the environment, personal health, and is generally cheaper. Too often we continue myths that the benefits aren't really worth it or just say that the system is wack too bad we can't make small changes. I have been transitioning to vegan first eliminating all meat and have nearly removed all animal products out of my diet. It is very hard and I am not perfect in my life, but I know that reducing meat consumption is ultimately good and must be done for the good of the world.

While you can't change individually change capitalism it is important that you go out of your way when you can to shut down unethical systems. Maybe consider restricting meat and other products to a few meals a week.

Feminism/Anti Feminism
While most of the anti-feminism movement probably has its intellectual basis on the hard streets of 4chan. It has spread to some circle in the leftist communities. There is feminists who are most certainly using feminism for monetary gains, I don't care that much about Anita Sarkeesian I think she has good points about certain things, but she obviously has used the name of feminism in order to just sucker people into giving her money. Feminists and leftist in general have been defending this person. When anti-feminists attack these people they are doing a service to the cause of women equality because it is bad to have members who actively exploit the community.

The problem with the anti-feminist communities is that while some of the heads of this circles are not sexist they promote sexism. Even some of the intellectual and non sexist anti feminists occasionally go after public feminists who have done positive work in the community and have helped women both in the first and third world. Anti-feminism while presented as feminism skepticism is too often in reality pan feminist hatred. This all comes down to opportunism among people in our movement. Many smart people can easily be tricked into believing things that aren't true.

No matter if you call yourself a feminist or an anti feminist or whatever, it is important that you apply skepticism and hunt out the abundance of public figures on both sides that are exploiting the situation for opportunistic gains.

Leftism is watered down
Communism use to mean something back in the day. It got people shaking in their boots. Now you have to travel to India or south east Asia to actually get some reaction out of people. The naxalites are some bad mofos. Most of these retards walking around calling themselves communists never read a lick of Marx. As a student at a major university I find these people especially in the LGBT community. I tell them that I am a Marxist and expose some points and think I am crazy or not really a communist. I ask them if they read Marx. This is when they said well I know about I heard the tenants of communism on some forum or read a Wikipedia article, etc. These people are against owning guns and some how think that being just crazy about their queerness is Marxist. Most actual Marxists including back to the early days knew that the masses weren't about homosexuality or didn't really care. If you were a true Marxist you would know that it is about revolution of the working class. You can be a gay rights advocate and a Marxist activist but I find that truly you would need to separate such things. The problem is that these people couldn't have the argument of what it means to be Marxist because they don't know anything about Marxism. The same goes with nearly all leftist ideologies they are crowded with people who don't know anything and are not really supportive of the ideology.

Activism/Volunteering is important! There are too many people who just screw around both among the uneducated and intellectuals. Go dedicate time and resources to fixing these network of private schools that exist in some of these major cities where the people who run them work hard for almost nothing they charge enough tuition to barely keep them running. That is one thing you can do right now among many others. I got up early in the morning staying at a hostel went to the north side a worked for 8-10 hours outside in summer heat with some people. We did this for 2 weeks in the time we spent we were able to expand the space the school had to take on more students. Young students who were going to this school had a better chance of actually going to college and getting out of poverty. You can even do good helping around your local area. There is tons of volunteer work... usually with churches(meh) but you know its good work. This is coming from someone who is a software programmer. I never worked a real job in my life. I always got away with doing telecommuting and side hustles from high school up until this point. I am in fact pretty lazy sometimes I skip out on volunteering to hangout with friends or just play my games or watch some tv shows. There is also getting out and educating people. While I am in university I have been doing since freshman year giving talks in skeptic and philosophy societies about revolutionary ideals. You may not be perfect, I am not, but it is about externalizing revolution and change.