eWerewolves in the eVillage!

Day 3,076, 11:17 Published in Cuba Australia by JackTrout

Let’s play, peoples!

I invite anyone interested to join me for a game of Werewolves (yes, it is like Mafia). I’m sorry to exclude anyone, but the game will be in English.

We will play the simplest possible version. We need at least 7 people- 2 will be werewolves, and 5 will be townies. One of the townies will be a Seer, with the ability to look at other people’s roles in the game. If we have more people, the numbers will be adjusted accordingly.

Each day, the townies will select one person they believe may be a werewolf, and that person will be hanged (don’t worry, it’s just a game!). Each night, the werewolves will select one person to kill. Once people are killed or hanged, they may observe but not participate. I will be moderator, and update you with an article each day.

The game ends when either all townies or all werewolves are dead. Those still living are the winners, and they will split a prize of 200 Q7 weapons!

There are heaps of sites for both games (Werewolves and Mafia) online, so have a look or just PM me if you're confused. Comment below if you’d like to play. And please be sure to friend me so I can start the threads. I would like to get started in a few days if possible...

Sign up today- because too much playing is barely enough!... and sleep well! 😉

