eUK Communist Manifesto (part 1)

Day 2,166, 04:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

A specter is haunting the eUK- the specter of Communism. All the powers of the old regime have entered into an alliance to exorcise this specter; The Unity Party, The Dental Corps, TWO. They are so quick to criticise and challenge the ideology of communists everywhere, yet they forgot to ask what the communist ideas are. In this manifesto I plan on listing and explaining the beliefs of the international community of leftists.

(1) In eRepublic, Communists believe that the only way that non-biased education can occur is through an organisation outside of the party system which would produce the socialisation needed to allow society to function fairly. The entire socialisation process cannot be done by the eUK library or articles by the MoHA, if a compromise between a new organisation and what we have now occurs then the system will just return to party’s educating new members. The old system of partys controlling education means that the main partys ( TUP and New Era) will control the new players who can be moulded by the elitists. Each party will have an education representative, that when a new player asks about that partys ideology, the representative will respond with the basic principles (the new player must be socialised before making their OWN mind up on the which party they are most suited to).

(2) In eRepublic, Communists believe that taxes should be increased to facilitate more games, grants and loans to new players. The idea of a grant is to give anyone the possibility to manage their own game, the minister of entertainment will allow grants to those who give good ideas for games and would like to give out rewards to the winners. If the grant is accepted, then the applicant must be monitored closely until the game has been completed and the rewards given out. The NHS should come under state control when funds are running low, and it shouldn’t be directly influenced by the CP. The NHS should still be run by the MoH, but the Minister should not feel under pressure to accept the CPs criticisms (unless backed by popular demand).

(3)In eRepublic, Communists believe that all invitation-only ministries, parties and military units should be banned. These can create a sense of authority over others and elitism arises from small things like joining a small group. By invitation-only ministries, I mean where there is a limit on the amount of low-level volunteers. Each volunteer should be given a fulfilling task to do, even if it is just to keep an eye on a foreign countries media, draw comic strips for articles or promote/produce quizzes and/or other games.

This is only the first part of the eUK communist manifesto, where we shall make our voices heard over conservatives, regressionists and authoritarians. The revolution is coming comrades, let us make it a red one 😉


National eComintern Representative
Secretary General of eComintern