Ereptools Update :)

Day 537, 04:04 Published in Romania Poland by carbon

Hallo again after quite long break.
Unfortunatelly I was quite busy recently and couldn't improve

But today the site has been UPDATED 🙂

New features:

1. Products prices history presented as charts.
You can check data up to 60 days old.

2. Raw materials (per q1) prices history.

3. Comanies browser.
Constantly updated info about companies. You can browse companies form all eRepublic countries,
sort them by stock, market offers, number of employees, number of llicences, raw materials stock etc.

4. Summary for companies (number of companies of specified quality and industry in each country) with
nice charts.

5. World Stock charts and data.
Here you can find out for example: how many Weapons Q5 were on stock (or market) in history ?
You can browse the data (using charts) to get the knowledge how the situation has changed during last days.

6. Reorganized menu 😉

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Some screenshots:

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