ElPatoDiablo Interview!

Day 1,835, 18:26 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez


I heard that you're American, (The same as me) Why are you here in eCanada?

Well, I always like smaller communities. I believe that i originally started in the eUS. However, it was simply too large for me and I didn't like it. Plus I grew up with some weird fascination with Canada. I'm not sure why, but I always had a thing for Canada. So with its smaller community, it was the only logical choice! I've never regretted the decision to come here.

Question Number Two!

How did you get involved in eRep?

Well, I was involved in a game called Cybernations for a very long time when I saw an ad for eRep on our forums back in '09. So I clicked it and joined. Although since Cybernations was the dominant game for me, I left eRep by the wayside. I'd stay around, just lurking. However, I eventually quit Cybernations because I got bored, (It had almost no game mechanics). So I came back for good during this past summer, full time, and eventually joined the CPF where I decided to become fully active in the media and in politics.

Question Number Three!

What is your favorite kind of Syrup.

Oh well I'd have to say Maple. Its the syrup I grew up on!

Question Number Four!

How did you choose your username?

Well, the name means "The Devil Duck" but I really didn't have a lot of thought put into it. At the time, I was just kinda having fun with the name, more than likely. I know I was taking Spanish classes at the time, but other than that... I don't really remember. I guess I thought it was cool!

Question Number Five!

Where do you think eCan is going currently? (As in progress)

I think we are headed down the right path!

We've taken steps in the right direction. Our allies in France recently voted us as their best ally in an article's poll. All of our allies have stuck by us and we've stuck by them. Our foreign relations have never been better with most countries. I would like for things to be better with the US, but they have had their own troubles lately. Plus, they have to focus on keeping out the PTO'ers. Everything takes a backseat to that.

On the homefront, we keep losing citizens. Things were good during the bulk of the war. Things stayed steady for once, and I was happy to see it. However, there isn't a lot we can do about that without an old-fashioned babyboom. When MU Funding picks up again, I assume that our damage output will also return to a normal amount.

Question Number Six!

Why did you choose Derpy for your new Profile picture as well as Mascot.

Well, I wanted something different. Zoidberg had grown a bit old to me. I've always changed my avatar at different times in different games, either just for fun or to reflect something. This one was just for fun and without any kind of special symbolism.

Question Number Seven!

What is your favorite newspaper?

I assume in-game? Haha

Yes 😛.

Well, right now it would probably have to be either Shoi's newspaper or Plugson's occasional article.

Question Number Eight

Which MU do you think is the most organized in eCanada?

Well, I would say that the Captains of Industry is the most organized right now. However, that's because I'm in there and I know it is run very efficiently. From fundraising to communes, CoI seems to have everything in good order!

Final Boss!

Out of every eCanadian citizen, which has been the most helpful to you during your entire time here?

I would say that Plugson has probably been the most helpful person. He has been there to offer advice for situations that I have had trouble with or just wanted some more info about. He's a pretty cool guy.

Thank you for your time, ElPatoDiablo.

Best of luck in the next election, and may Derpy be with you.

Derp on, bro... Derp on...