Dinner and Discussion with the Feb CP Candidates for eAustralia.

Day 806, 22:48 Published in Australia Australia by Dartreal

Hello and welcome to another edition of Dinner & Discussion with Dartreal. I am your host, Dartreal, and I welcome you to my home.

Tonight, I have a very special dinner to present to everyone. I took the liberty in inviting the five candidates who are going to be running for the position of ePrime Minister for the February Term. All five men have been campaigning telling all eAustralians why they should vote for them. They can tell eAustralia all of their plans and ambitions, but that’s not what we want to know. We want to know their answers to the questions that are on all eAustralian’s minds.

I sat down with our current Cottus Arci, Paul Hamon, Pizza The Hut, Sir_C0nstant & Timeoin for a wonderful five course meal. This is the second time I’ve hosted the ePrime Minister candidates and yet again they were all civil. The tough questions were asked once again and they all answered the questions to the best of their abilities. So eAustralia, please join us for this very special dinner.

Tonight’s guests: Cottus Arci, Paul Hamon, Pizza The Hut, Sir_C0nstant & Timeoin.
Tonight’s meal:
Course 1 - Butternut Squash, Presented with a Seared Sea Scallop, Chive Oil and Young Seedlings.
Course 2 - Pan Seared ‘Lump’ Crab Cake, Presented with Fire Roasted Corn/Cilantro Relish Smoked Chipotle Aioli, and Butter Poached Leeks
Course 3 - Roasted Beet Carpaccio, Presented with Seared Goat Cheese, Beet Syrup, Aged Balsamic Reduction and Mache Greens.
Course 4 - Grilled Fillet of Beef, Presented with Caramelized Shallot/Red Wine Reduction, Crisp Truffle Scented Potato Rosti, White Asparagus and Morel Mushrooms.
Course 5 - Vanilla Bean Infused Panna Cotta Nova Scotia Ice Wine Marinated Berries, and Chocolate Lattice.
Tonight’s tune: Franz Liszt’s “Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2”.

Dartreal: Thanks for joining me this evening gentlemen.

Cottus Arci: For you Dartreal, anytime.

Timeoin: Thanks, Dartreal. It’s a pleasure to be here again.

Pizza The Hut: Anytime! Hope I have your support!

Sir_C0nstant: Haha, are you sure? This could get messy…

Dartreal: How have your meals been?

Sir_C0nstant: Wow compliments to the chef, the crab and beef were perfect.

Timeoin: To be honest, they're a bit too fancy for my tastes. Im a simple man, and dont normally go for all this fancy stuff. I normally live off Q1 food.

Pizza The Hut: Superb... just remember to slip some cyanide in my opponents champagne.

Cottus Arci: Exquisite as always... the Panna COTTA was the best!

Dartreal: Hmmm… Paul Hamon’s been very quiet. Hopefully he’ll come around when the questions start being asked.

Dartreal: Let’s talk same sex equality. It’s a touchy subject that has been going on for a while around the world, ranging to equal pay to limited women’s rights in certain countries. If you had to have a sex change what new name would you go by? Let’s start with our current ePrime Minister, Cottus Arci.

Cottus Arci: Mia. I'll steal this name before my yet-to-be-born daughter gets it!

Dartreal: How lovely. Congratulations on this announcement. I hope she makes a fine member of the eAustralian community. What would your name be Sir_C0nstant if you had to have a sex change?

Sir_C0nstant: Jessica Alba, probably the closest I could get to her.

Dartreal: Unless the sex change made you look like her. Timeoin – what would you call yourself if you had a sex change?

Timeoin: Why would i want a sex change? If I was a woman, binda33 wouldn’t love me anymore.

Dartreal: You two could try being eLesbians I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt. It seems to be working for Ellen Degeneres just fine. Pizza The Hut, what would your name be if you became a female?

Pizza The Hut: Toni Abbott, hehe.

Dartreal: What a clever play on words. What about you Paul Hamon? Would you call yourself Paula? Haha… Paul? Paul? I think he’s had a little too much wine. We’ll check up on him later.

Dartreal: Throughout this planet’s existence there have been many interesting people who have popped up all over history. Even in the present there are many people who have made a huge impact on this world. If you could spend a day with anyone in the world, alive or dead, who would it be and why? Let’s start with Sir_C0nstant on this one.

Sir_C0nstant: Er can I answer Jessica Alba again? I would be soooooo happy, for those that don’t know her look her up, nuff said.

Dartreal: I won’t argue against that! Pizza The Hut, who would you spend a day with?

Pizza The Hut: Ronald Reagan. He was a great man and a true visionary. He inspired a generation to believe in building a better future. I long for the days when we had a REAL leader who inspired REAL "hope" and "change" and not a pretender.

Dartreal: Not Jessica Alba but I guess that’s an interesting choice. Cottus Arci, what dead or alive person would you spend a day with?

Cottus Arci: My soul mate Cristina, and explain to her why playing eRepublik brings a couple closer together, haha!

Dartreal: Well… that was extremely corny. Let’s see who Timeoin will spend a day with.

Timeoin: Binda33 - because I eLove her. That was an easy question. I heart you Binda!

Dartreal: Ugh! Of all the people could pick from: Julius Caesar or Napoleon or even Jesus, you Cottus and you Timeoin went with your loved ones! Well, who am I to judge I just ask the questions… but come on!

Dartreal: Let’s talk about dreams and hope. Martin Luther King once had a dream that change the course of the world forever. Everyone has dreams they want to fulfill in life. What’s the craziest dream you ever had? Timeoin, take us away.

Timeoin: I do have a dream… I have a dream that one day, this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its cree😛 To be a nation that is capable not only of defending itself without massive foreign assistance (although this is greatly appreciated), but is able to defend the smaller nations from hostile aggressors.

Dartreal: Oh look, it seems like Martin Luther King was reborn as Timeoin…

Timeoin: I have a dream that one day even the state of Western Australia, a state sweltering with the heat of hatred for being colonised, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my eChildren will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged not by the colour of their avatar, but by the content of their articles.

I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day, Australians will all be able to run for positions of office, regardless of what political party they chose, and will be granted a fair and decent chance of being elected, based upon the merits of their arguments.

Dartreal: Timeoin, there are other people waiting to answer the question…

Timeoin: I have a dream today! I have a dream that members of all eFaiths and eDenominations will be able to live in harmony with one another, free from religious persecution.

I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day all states of Australia will be able to fight in wargames, content in the knowledge that they have access to the quality medical facilities of a Q5 hospital. I have a dream today! Thats the dream I have today. Hopefully it isnt too "crazy" for you.

Dartreal: Hmmm? Oh you finished. Sorry, I was about to join Paul in Zzzz Land. Now… what was the question I asked again? Oh yes. Cottus Arci! What’s the weirdest dream you've had?

Cottus Arci: Reality.

Dartreal: Well that was a short answer, much appreciated too. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had Pizza The Hut?

Pizza The Hut: Oh boy... too many to count. I often dream of confronting Barack Hussein Obama for his incompetence... or Kevin Rudd for eating his earwax and being a complete failure. I've had dreams of being on the crew of The Next Generation Enterprise, etc.

Dartreal: I said THE craziest dream not give me a list of craziest dreams. Still, you didn’t rant on like Timeoin just did so I’ll forgive you. Sir_C0nstant, can you top any of the craziest dreams we’ve just heard with one of your own?

Sir_C0nstant: Ok getting weird now… me being Jessica Alba, not much more I can legally say. Think I need to use the big boy’s room now. Where is it please?

Dartreal: Down the hall third on your right and thanks for saving the details, I’m sure it would have been the craziest dream… as well as the most disturbing. Speaking of dreams, it looks like Paul is having one. I hope he wakes up soon to answer a question.

Dartreal: Let’s talk about endangered species. With growing human development in many countries is has seen the disappearing of many animals and plants. What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? Pizza The Hut you first.

Pizza The Hut: Eat them both.

Dartreal: Sounds practical. Timeoin, do you save the endangered plant or let the endangered animal ear it?

Timeoin: Stop the endangered animal from eating the endangered plant, and feed it other food instead, something that won’t make the animal sick. This would mean that both animal and plant can live.

Dartreal: It sounds a bit “extreme” for my liking but it makes sense. Sir_C0nstant, what would you do in this situation?

Sir_C0nstant: Wonder if the animal will taste better now?

Dartreal: I’d assume so seeing it is a rare animal and after eating a rare plant it would taste even better. Cottus Arci, what would you do if you saw an endangered animal ready to eat an endangered plant?

Cottus Arci: Easy! Stop the endangered animal eating an endangered plant. Bad endangered animal. Bad!

Dartreal: Many mixed answers here but at the end of the day, neither one would be alive because I’ll be being a Hotel Dartreal on the location.

Dartreal: Well gentlemen our evening is coming to an end so, in 50 words of less, why should eAustralia vote for you in the upcoming election? Let’s go in alphabetical order so no one complains starting with Cottus Arci.

Cottus Arci: I ran against my will in January, to fix our broken Government. Not only were things worse than I expected (hence more time taken to fix them), but I feel there's a few things here and there to ensure remain in place. These are longer-term projects, like shifting our military into a more self-sufficient, less costly "work for weapons" setup, and launching a massive off-site campaign to get the biggest baby boom we're ever seen. I don't run for glory, I've already had my share... I run to ensure the nation not only fixes itself, but takes giant leaps ahead!

Dartreal: That was 100 words but I’m a fair man and I’ll allow it. Pizza The Hut, why should eAustralia vote for you?

Pizza The Hut: If eAustralians want a REAL, principled change, then they should vote for me. I will offer solid solutions to improve our nation's standing in the eWorld. We need the Liberal Party of Australia to lead us into the future with Pizza The Hut as PM!

Dartreal: Sir_c0nstant, why should eAustalia vote for you?

Sir_C0nstant: If you want leadership, education and have an overwhelming desire to do what is right for eAustralia then vote sir_c0nstant on the 5th.

Dartreal: And last but not least, Timeoin – why should eAustralia vote for you?

Timeoin: I have a VERY comprehensive plan for what I want done for the month (but without overdoing it, either). My cabinet team has been carefully selected to pick the best people for the job, regardless of political party, and I, too, have the experience necessary to bring our country forward.

Dartreal: 50 words exactly. Gentlemen, thanks for joining me this evening. Good luck in the elections.

Pizza The Hut: Thank you too!

Sir_C0nstant: It’s been a pleasure, thanks for having us, oh and here is a SC4CP sticker to put on the car.

Timeoin: Thank you for the lovely dinner, Dartreal. And thankyou, good luck with your future eInterviews as well.

Cottus Arci: Gentlemen, thanks for joining me this evening. Good luck in the elections.

Dartreal: Oh by the way… one of you guys mind taking Paul Hamon home? Much appreciated.

There you have it eAustralia – a special edition of Dinner & Discussion with Dartreal involving those running for the position of Prime Minister. Cottus Arci, Paul Hamon, Pizza The Hut, Sir_c0nstant and Timeoin . All of them might have different ways of working towards their main goal but it is good to see that the main goal is shared by all five: to make eAustralia better for everyone. Vote wisely on Election Day eAustralia! Remember ever single vote counts!

Join me next time for another addition of Dinner & Discussion with Dartreal. Until then I’m Dartreal - dine fine eAustralia.