Dinner and Discussion with... the eAustralian CP Candidates.

Day 773, 22:11 Published in Australia Australia by Dartreal

Hello and welcome to another edition of Dinner & Discussion with Dartreal. I am your host, Dartreal, and I welcome you to my home.

Tonight, I have a very special dinner to present to everyone. I took the liberty in inviting the three candidates who are going to be running for the position of ePrime Minister for the January Term. All three men have been busy campaigning hard telling all eAustralians why they should vote for them. They can tell eAustralia all of their plans and ambitions, but that’s not what we want to know. We want to know their answers to the questions that are on all eAustralian’s minds.

I sat down with Cottus Arci, Ezekiel Thomas and Timeoin for a bit of dinner and discussion. I’m pleased to say that the three were civil in their discussion and no death threats or attempts at murder were made. Hopefully the three continue their friendly manners throughout the rest of their campaigns and after the election. So eAustralia, please join us for this very special dinner.

Tonight’s guests: Cottus Arci, Ezekiel Thomas and Timeoin.
Tonight’s meal:
1st Course - Goat Cheese Medallions & Roasted Olives with Fennel and Lemon.
2nd Course - Tomato-Basil Crab Bisque.
3rd Course - Seared Autumn Spice Scallops with Cranberry Jam.
4th Course - Pinot Gris-Prickly Pear Sorbet.
5th Course (Main) - Butter-Poached Lobster Tails with Caviar Mousse & Dijon Mustard Sauce
6th Course - Individual Cheese Plates containing three cheeses, hazelnuts, and dried sweet cherries.
7th Course (Dessert) – Chocolate Mousse.
Tonight’s tune: Bach’s Andante.

Dartreal: Thank you for joining me tonight gentlemen.

Ezekiel Thomas: It’s a pleasure.

Cottus Arci: My pleasure Dartreal!

Timeoin: Thank you and a pleasure to be with you as well, Dartreal.

Dartreal: How has dinner been?

Cottus Arci: A smorgasmicboard of mouthgasmic delights, as always.

Timeoin: It has been really rather enjoyable! Although, admittedly much to fancy for my normal tastes - I normally just eat Q1 food, haha!

Ezekiel Thomas: Very filling, but delicious none the less.

Dartreal: Let’s get down to some questions shall we? Political affairs aren’t the only thing that makes a politician. Some would say that one would have to have a certain “look” in their image to appeal to the public. Would you date a toothless person or someone with bad breath? Let’s start with you Timeoin on this one.

Timeoin: "No" is technically a valid answer to that question.

Dartreal: What about you Cottus?

Cottus Arci: I'd imagine the toothless person would have worse breath, due to the stinky holes.

Dartreal: So what is it Ezekiel: no teeth or bad breath?

Ezekiel Thomas: Um... whichever was better looking.

Dartreal: Let’s talk ethics. Someone very close to you is in pain, paralyzed, and will die in a month. They beg you to give them poison so they that they can die. Question: Who is your favourite actor? Ezekiel Thomas, you can take this one away.

Ezekiel Thomas: My favorite actor would have to be Neil Patrick Harris in “How I Met Your Mother”. He makes me laugh a lot.

Dartreal: What about you Timeoin, who’s your favourite actor?

Timeoin: Favourite Actor? Hmm ... good question. Robin Williams. That guy makes me laugh.

Dartreal: Will Cottus make it a hat trick of comedy actors or does he have a serious favourite actor?

Cottus Arci: Tom Cruise - what a cool guy!

Dartreal: I guess he is a funny actor with all of his crazy scientology antics, isn’t he?

Dartreal: Let’s talk about the future. Would it be better to know the exact date of your death, or the precise means of your death? Cottus Arci, your thoughts on this first please.

Cottus Arci: I think it would be better to know the date - for example if it were only a short period away, to hell with work, I'm living on Centrelink!

Dartreal: That’s an interesting take on things. What about you Ezekiel? Would you want to know when and how you’ll die?

Ezekiel Thomas: Yeah I would know. That means because I could just avoid that then.

Dartreal: Would you take advantage of knowing when to die Timeoin or do you have a different opinion?

Timeoin: I believe that it isn’t good to know either. I believe that it wouldn’t make a difference either way: when it’s your time to die, it’s your time to die. You can’t stop it. You’d be like that guy from "The Time Machine", watching your one true love dying a thousand different ways.

Dartreal: Call me sadistic but one might find that fun.

Dartreal: Let’s talk about being alive. It’s a crazy eWorld out there and taking the wrong step can get anyone killed, especially with so much war going on lately. Let’s say, someone comes along and offers you the chance to live for the next two hundred years guaranteed. You won’t get sick or be injured in any way throughout those two hundred years, but you will die at the end of it. The catch: you have to have either both legs or both arms cut off. Would you want to live for the next two hundred years? Timeoin, I’ll let you answer first.

Timeoin: No, I wouldn’t. I would prefer to live my current life to its full potential.

Dartreal: Would you want to live two hundred years Ezekiel at the cost of your arms or legs?

Ezekiel Thomas: I think I would, because at the rate technology is going we will have robotic arms and legs by then anyway.

Dartreal: What about you Cottus?

Cottus Arci: I'd have trouble being active in eAustralia without arms and legs, so no.

Dartreal: Let’s talk about the future generations of eAustralia. Everyone knows that the babies of today will become leaders of tomorrow. If at birth you could select the profession your child would eventually pursue, would you do so and what would it be? Ezekiel Thomas, you may have the first go on this.

Ezekiel Thomas: I would and it would be a quarterback in the National Football League. Preferably the Minnesota Vikings.

Dartreal: Would you like to play puppetmaster in your child’s life Cottus?

Cottus Arci: Yes – and they would be the bringer of world peace, the most awesome job ever.

Dartreal: That’s two for Yes. Timeoin, if you could control your child’s future would you do it?

Timeoin: No. I believe that it is up to my child to choose what they want to do in their life. I would want them to do something that they truly enjoy and find fulfilling, rather than what I would want for them to do.

Dartreal: Well our evening is wrapping up and I am very happy that no one has tried to kill one another. Let’s finish this off by having each of you, in fifty words or less, tell eAustralia why they should vote for you as their next ePrime Minister. Cottus Arci, you may be the first to state why the pubic should vote for you. Remember: keep it at fifty words or less.

Cottus Arci: I'm the strong, firm hand that'll kick our Government out of this rut, and introduce some excellent new policies in the process!

Dartreal: Sounds exciting. Timeoin, why should people vote for you?

Timeoin: You should vote for me in the next elections because I have put together a carefully thought out plan for the next month. Everything outlined by me as an aim is achievable, and myself and my team have the experience to achieve these goals. Timeoin: The Man With The Plan.

Dartreal: Well said and exactly fifty words as well. Very impressive. And last but not least, Ezekiel Thomas. Why should people vote for you?

Ezekiel Thomas: eAustralia you should vote for me as I will endeavor to work my hardest for what is best for eAustralia.

Dartreal: Simple and straight to the point. This should be a very interesting election indeed. Gentlemen, thank you for joining me. Good luck with the elections and may the best man win.

Cottus Arci: Thank you Dartreal.

Ezekiel Thomas: Not a problem it was a delightful evening.

Timeoin: Thank you to you as well. It was a very nice dinner.

There you have it eAustralia – a special edition of Dinner & Discussion with Dartreal involving those running for the position of Prime Minister. Cottus Arci, Ezekiel Thomas and Timeoin – Three fine eAustralians who are looking to make this eCountry great place. All of them might have different ways of working towards their main goal but it is good to see that the main goal is shared by all three: to make eAustralia better for everyone. Vote wisely on election day eAustralia! Join me next time for another addition of Dinner & Discussion with Dartreal. Until then I’m Dartreal - dine fine eAustralia.