Dartreal to appear on The Blake Nation

Day 807, 13:59 Published in Australia Australia by Dartreal
Hello readers of the Word Down Under!

I'm proud to announce that I, Dartreal will be appearing on the eRepublik Radio show the Blake Nation hosted by the one and only, Corey Blake.

Where: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theblakenation
When: Day 808 @ 21:30 eRepublik Time (That's 4:30pm Saturday for Melbourne, not sure about the other times).

It should be a fun show and you guys are more than welcome to join in the fun. I'll be taking people's questions during while I'm there so free feel to ask me any question, no matter how stupid you think it might be.

I'm looking forward to being on this show and I hope you guys will join me!
