CP Candidate Interviews!

Day 1,954, 17:29 Published in USA USA by Jason Welsh

Hey guys! It's CP election time again, and I have interviews with both of the candidates who have declared intent to run so far! If anyone else decides to run for POTUS and wants to be in this, just PM me your answers to the questions that I ask the candidates and I'll edit you in!

Just a reminder, If you ask me in private, I will happily tell you my opinion on any issue (including the AFA issue) but in the CP interview articles, I intend to remain 100% unbiased.

So here's the interviews!

Ronald Gipper Reagan

[18:45] How are you doing today?
[18:46] Better than Pfeiffer's cholesterol, you
[18:46] ?
[18:46] 😛
[18:46] I'm good 😛 thanks for asking
[18:46] How do you think the last CP term went?
[18:48] No problem. Terrible. We lost a region, continued being fiscally irresponsible, continued discriminatory policies. Same crap, new month.
[18:48] POTUS is a huge job, what made you decide to run for it?
[18:51] The opposition needs a known, visible spokesman. I have the experience to be President and I have the ideas to chart a new, better course for the country.
[18:52] How do you feel about your cabinet?
[18:56] I am still working on it but it will include sensible people.
[18:57] How do you feel about the country right now?
[18:58] The country is in a very sorry state. It is hard for me to believe really how many people follow those who regurgitate hate, openly admit to mass cheating, and who are so irresponsible in their policies, and they call this success too which makes it even more laughable.
[18:59] What is your favorite band?
[19:02] 3 Doors Down
[19:03] What are you planning on changing as far as how the government handles the AFA?
[19:05] If I am President the only people who will be discriminated against are the ones who have been carrying out these policies themselves. There is no room for ethnic, religious, political prejudices in the eUSA and it would end under my Administration as far as the Executive Branch is concerned.
[19:05] There has been a recent Dioist movent that has sprung up again, they are campaigning to have the country use our bomb against Sweden. What is your stance on this?
[19:06] Dioism is stupid, and not funny anymore. I would have to take a closer look at this, but there are better targets than Sweden.
[19:06] Will you be attempting to take another country's gold mine?
[19:08] I didn't know that was mechanically possible since this is all so new. Probably not because I am already concerned with a lot of questionable people coming here seeking to raid ours.
[19:09] Do you intend to use the bomb during your term? (assuming that we have it fully costructed)
[19:09] Yes. I will use it. I am not sure where yet, but why not.
[19:10] Do you intend to reform any internal government workings?
[19:23] u still here?
[19:45] yes
[19:45] internet problems
[19:45] those are annoying XD
[19:46] Do you intend to reform any internal government workings?
[19:47] haha, yes, and yes, I do. The main outline people can read about in my paper, but there will be a lot of overhaul.
[19:47] How do you think the in-game election will go?
[19:49] Well, the deck is always rigged against us, so the best I can do is get my ideas out there, make as many voters as I can aware of it, and hope for the best.
[19:52] Are you confident about the upcoming term?
[19:56] How so?
[19:57] in general, what do you think will happen? even if you don't win, do you think things will turn out good?
[19:58] Unfortunately I am not optimistic as long as we stay down this current path.
[19:59] And finally, is there anything else you'd like to say?
[19:59] Join the American Freedom Alliance and stand in defiance of tyranny! Duty. Honor. Country. AFA! o7
[20:00] Thank you for your time, Hail USA \o/
[20:00] 😛 np vote me for CP 😉

And, Vanek26!

[19:39] How are you doing today?
[19:39] talking to other people and writing a paper at the same time, but I'll do my best to answer timely
[19:39] Annoyed, I spent two hours in traffic and have to write a paper.
[19:41] that sucks
[19:41] How do you think the last CP term went?
[19:43] Pretty well, its gone by quick.
[19:43] i know, it seems like a week since last time XD
[19:44] How do you feel about your cabinet this month?
[19:44] They've done a great job.
[19:44] How do you feel about the country right now?
[19:45] Cromstar has helped get my surveys out, keep USAF running smoothly, do some auditing, and kept DoD orders up.
[19:45] dermont has done a great job talking to countries for me.
[19:45] nose has kept orders up to date
[19:45] Largo's had great advice and did a lot of work on those surveys.
[19:46] and Israel's been a cruel taskmaster
[19:46] and ofc my ladies, the SoI and SoE Rainysunday and Mazzycat, do an exceptional job
[19:47] What is your favorite band?
[19:50] didn't answer the last one yet silly
[19:51] Country is doing well, the PTO is losing steam, they posted their worst month since near the beginning of the crisis. We are working together on some battles, which has been good to see.
[19:52] I'm not a big music guy, I guess I'd have to say U2 or Queen.
[19:52] oh, sorry 😛 sorry if i'm rushing it, ill try to slow down
[19:52] queen ftw :3
[19:52] Are you planning on changing anything as far as how the government handles the AFA?
[19:52] Been listening to a lot of soundtrack, I find it is pleasant to listen to while working
[19:54] Not really, our plan has been working well. Unfortunately, Jefferson Locke apparently had RL problems or something, don't know the details, and had to quit, so we lost our coordinator there, but kody5 has stepped up and is executing the plan.
[19:54] It remains to be seen how the gold mine will effect things.
[19:55] There has been a recent Dioist movent that has sprung up again, they are campaigning to have the country use our bomb against Sweden. What is your stance on this?
[19:57] The Swede is a disgusting creature, indeed, but it best to keep the 'Bomb' for a more important instance.
[19:58] Will you be attempting to take another country's gold mine?
[20:03] No.
[20:03] This is the first time we've had this mechanic, they will probably do it again.
[20:03] So we really don't know anything about this.
[20:04] Seems best to play it safe and protect our mine.
[20:04] (if i'm asking you anything that's classified you can just tell me)
[20:04] Do you intend to use the bomb during your term? (assuming that we have it fully costructed)
[20:05] Probably not, but you never know, the situation might arise.
[20:06] Do you intend to reform any internal government workings?
[20:08] IES is being looked at by Congress, which is out of my branch of goverment, but something that I do support modernizing.
[20:09] How do you think the party nominations will go?
[20:14] idk, haven't paid attention.
[20:15] How do you think the in-game election will go?
[20:17] Unity will win.
[20:18] Are you confident about the upcoming term?
[20:19] Yep, I think a lot of good things will happen to get America on solid footing.
[20:20] And finally, is there anything else you'd like to say?
[20:22] I'd just like to say: I'm not perfect, but I try hard and care deeply about this country, and will do my best to not let it down. I hope to get each of your votes, and thank you for your confidence and trust in me.
[20:24] Thank you for your time, Hail USA \o/

Hope you enjoyed it this month!

Stay sexy guys 😉