Congressional Candidate Oraizan

Day 1,189, 19:20 Published in Austria Denmark by Oraizan

As some of you know 7-8 months ago I quit eRepublik, and I have been back for about a week now. I haven’t made a public announcement of either event, but I hope that new and old citizens of eAustria will accept me back and support me in the future.

Due to my absence from the game I do not have a great knowledge of eRepublik as I did before I quit the game, everyday I am trying my hardest to understand the new mechanics to their fullest as well as where other countries and alliances stand. What has not changed are my goals and dreams for Austria, which I believe all of us share. I want to see a bustling, fun community, and an Austria that we can be proud of every time we hit the log-off button on the left.

My reasons for writing this article today and explaining myself is because I would like to run for Congress this next term and in doing so have my beliefs known. I strongly believe that it is important to understand what you are voting for before you vote. That and the news could use some more activity.

Here is an overview of my general beliefs:
- Key to eAustrian success is diversity not only in people, but ideas
- You’re only as good as your opposition
- It’s important to have proper discussions before any laws are proposed
- People should be free to speak their opinions (granted, not rudely)
- Activity in-game and out-of-game are important as a citizen (meaning forum/IRC)
- Respectful debate
- Balanced Taxes for the citizens and companies
- The need is greater than the want
- Approach everything with an open mind
- eAustrian money should stay eAustrian money, meaning more than being against treasury theifs, but also purchasing and working from eAustrian friendly companies
- Communication with friendly counties and enemy countries alike is important as a small country such as eAustria

I hope that this article has given you some insight into my beliefs and allowed you to understand me better. I want to start off this segment with saying that I will be glad to answer any questions about myself in the present or the past of eAustria or eJapan that I was a part of. Some of my past positions for those who don’t know me can be found here. Thus if you have any questions comment with them or send a mail to my in-box and I’ll reply ASAP.

Every month, nations have choices to make. I believe I can help Austria move forward, and promise to be dedicated towards seeing this through. I wish that I can have this opportunity to show you all what we can achieve together under eAustria’s flag.

I would like to end this article with a few unrelated words. First, good luck to all the other candidates. Those people I know really deserve their place in congress, and to the rest which I don’t, I hope that I get a chance to see you shine as well. Lastly, win or lose I will be around in the media and IRC in hopes that I can liven the place up. It is my most sincere wish that all of you can join us there and do the same. (If you don’t know how to reach IRC send me a PM)

Für Österreich! o7
~ Oraizan

P.S: I always end my article’s with a wise-ish quote:
In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true. - Buddha