Can the Government (and Dictator) Please Stand Up?

Day 2,864, 07:18 Published in Japan Russia by shirosakura

This is just a personal article, but really? Where is our government?

If for nothing else, THIS is the reason that I fight against the dictatorship module. It has no benefit for the people, it's a thinly veiled effort to consolidate power in hands of the few (I don't buy that we could be PTO'd by another nation, and honestly even then, some government is better than NO government), and most of all it results in situations like these, where we live, work, and fight under a shadowdy hand that is never there, or arguably doesn't exist. Who is letting this happen?

Elected officials or not, it's up to those in a government to represent and correspond with their people. Technically this is a military dictatorship, but if the majority had any interest in extending their power to the masses, they would AT LEAST try and speak to them. But no, a mere eleven days out from the next presidential election and not a single person in the cabinet has addressed their people. This is ridiculous.

In a real life situation, social unrest would have already occurred to make something happen. Even in the games democracy module, the president could have at least been impeached. But the fact that we have a dictator and a country president that are willing to rest on their laurels and deprive their people of due leadership is appalling. In the six years I've been playing this game, I;ve never seen people so content to exclude themselves from the public while the country deteriorates from lack of attention. It's appalling.

The Prime Minister's office. Except, I'm pretty sure there's no one there right now.

I'm not saying this because I'm pro-Tsumani, or anti-Serbian, or whatever (and notice I've never referred to anyone by their ethnic group alone). I'm saying this because as a citizen of eJapan, I'm concerned. As an active player of eRepublik, I'm concerned, and every single person who desires to make a living in this country should be concerned.

PEOLPE OF eJAPAN. WE DESERVE BETTER. Put pressure on your dictator. Send messages to your Country President. Even if can't or don't want to fight, show the people in charge that you're here and you matter. We need to work to change this.

And to the CP or the dictator: If you're reading this and you get angry, good. Maybe now you'll be inspired to address your people for once.