Buy eSerbian products (pricelist)

Day 657, 13:00 Published in Portugal Serbia by Ministarstvo ekonomije Srbije

eSerbian Ministry of Economy starts an action of selling products from serbian market!

If you want to order goods you should send IGM with list of goods that you need and adequate amount of money to

Valletta organization

This ORG is under control of eSerbian Ministry of Finance and eSerbian Government guarantees that all orders will be honored.

There is no minimal amount of any order, and only gold is accepted for payments (no local currencies). Orders are usually processed within few hours and not later than the end of same eRep day the order was sent (this applies for orders sent before 23.00 eR time).
For large orders you should contact eSerbian Ministry of Economy.


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Enjoy your buying 🙂
For further information please feel free to contact us!

eSerbian Ministry of Economy