Breaking News in e-Ville: WEREWOLVES STALK THE NIGHT!!!

Day 3,081, 13:28 Published in Cuba Australia by JackTrout

Several citizens of the small town of e-Ville have recently been found murdered- their mauled and bloody corpses, each found just after sunrise, leave little doubt: The town is being preyed upon by werewolves.

The citizens are a bit miffed, and the mayor has promised action within 24 hours to protect the people from the bloodthirsty beasts.

The citizens’ committee, unofficially known as Citizens with Attitudes and Rifles Chase And Slaughter the SOB’s (CARCASS) is made up of:






Jasper Zuidema


When asked what action the town will take, one committee member told this reporter: “Well, we all have pitchforks, and we all have ropes. And we haven’t had a good lynching for a couple of weeks now, so…”

Werewolves, be warned! (Tourists may also want to reconsider e-Ville as a holiday destination.)

Who will win the battle of Humans versus Beasts? Will good triumph in e-Ville? Stay tuned for more gory news!

