Birth of a new eCanada [DAY1]

Day 1,611, 12:45 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez
Day 1

Twas' a hot day when we first arrived on the sandy beaches, we were lost, and we were all worried. We had a mission though, to secure this land for eCanada, and secure it we would. We were supplied with weak materials by our Prime Minister but we were determined to begin our new colony. What we would name it? We had no clue but we would settle that at our first town meeting at night.

We walked miles and miles. Past forests, trudged through the boiling deserts, and through chilling rivers. Finally, we found a location to begin our new colony. A few of the colonists decided to recon the area and we found it much to our liking.

Bountiful pigs
Forest nearby
Water supply

Thus we began our construction project.

Through hard work, sweat, and blood we worked all day long. Until the dawn of night, there we realized our terrible mistake. We were not alone but surrounded but deadly enemies. We lost Jimmy that night but Rigour6 was smart enough to usher us into our new home.

Unfortunately, it was a small place to house all our colonists but we made due with the small supplies we were given. A few were crammed into corners of the wall until a bright fellow named Killer2001 decided to venture out and check the time of day.

Much to our surprise he came running back, hollering of things following him, and how much time had passed.

None, he was an idiot to leave the home a couple minutes after escaping the terrible creatures roaming the night. He ran as fast as he could to the door, banging on it, and scaring a few of our colonists. Mostly Rolo who was stringing his bow, he almost shot him too, but luckily a few of the Colonists restrained him.

Trenton opened the door for him and was tackled to the floor by the scared Killer2001. Zianni was smart enough to close the door behind them and cowered back into his corner as much of the other colonists did. At the door was a terrifying creature moaning and moaning about being proud canadians. This was only the first night of our terrifying adventure.

Time passed as we watched the terrifying creature until surprisingly the sun arose and we beheld a terrible spectacle. The creature was set on fire.

Before the day would begin we decided to hold the town meeting we had talked about. The main purpose?

To decide a name and course of action for the day.

Town meeting:

Please suggest and vote for your favorite colony name.

Please suggest and vote for your favorite course of action for today.
Would you like to build a mine, a farm, or etc.

Please suggest and vote for a leader of the colony.

Majority rules.

(Work in progress, I'll write more detail-ish if we get some followers of this.)