ArtemIvanov, your president again?

Day 714, 13:25 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ArtemIvanov

Dear citizen,

I have decided to run for president again for the next period.

The main reason why I want to become your president again is the same as the last period. I think this country needs a president who knows what is going on in the United Netherlands. A president who knows what you want, a president who wants progress in this country, who wants more solidarity, understanding, decisiveness, and unity.

I have said that I will be active on the Citizens for Unity (CFU) project. But as you know one of our regions was conquered by Romanians. I have spend a lot of time in debates with advisors/experienced citizens all over the world during the RW and after, until now.

So, next period I want to make a big step forward on the CFU project. I hope we can finish step 2 and 3. But I cant make these 2 steps on my own.
I call on every citizen in this country to join that group. Give your opinion, give your advice, say what you think. This is your country, and you can work for it too! Only together we can make our nation flourish.

On the international field there are a lot of rumours about the PEACE alliance. Right now we still support the alliance, but we also noticed that things are not going the way we want. We hope that things can be set right, so this alliance will not break up.
Last period we have also invested in our neighbours. Especially with Germany and France. They both offers us great help, advice and votes in the Flanders issue. We are talking/debating about treaty's and cooperation from armies and PTO teams. We hope that this can lead to a stable Western Europe and that it will improve our relationships.

Also, I want to realize some other things, like the new welcome message, start new debate on the constitution (maybe after we are at step 3 of the CFU project), improve relationships with the political parties, invite them at hot issues, and getting Flanders back.

Also i want to be more involved at defence. I have learned last period that the president needs to know everything. I had a lot of questions regarding defence as it is an important ministry on the international field.

As you can see I am running as an independent candidate again.
This works out fine for me. I don't have a party which I can ask for advice. That means I am asking Party Presidents and citizens from different parties for advice. This gives me a clear view on issues and the politics.
I would like to thank the I&W, GLD and LSD for supporting me.

Your current president, and you next president?