ArtemIvanov for president!

Day 680, 14:42 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ArtemIvanov
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Dear citizen,

Finally, after 12 congress medals, I think its time to be your next president. This wasn't in my career plan at all, but I was asked by the party presidents of the LSD and the I&W.
I am very honoured that they asked me this.

The main reason why I said yes to them is that I think this country needs a president who knows what is going on in the United Netherlands. A president who knows what you want, a president who wants progress in this country, who wants more solidarity, understanding, decisiveness, and unity.

Something more about myself. I started to play eRepublik on day 233 of this world. From the beginning the national politics had my attention. I joined I&W, because it was the biggest party, and after that I joined SPV. The rest of my erepublik life I have been a member of this party, now known as LSD. I even became party president of this party, and I have always been active for this party.

My first job in the government was as Secretary of State on Home Affairs with Betha as minister. He gave me the first lessons in governmental activity. After that I had some more jobs in the government, I have been minister and even Prime Minister.

I quit the politics for some time, but could never leave it for long. The politics always kept my attention, and I could not let it go. I am always following the national politics with a critical eye, and want to see progress.

And that's the first point of my presentation, progress/debates.

As I said in the unity group, we need debates to be more focussed on progress.
Debates with a low priority are doing OK, but when there are important issue's on the program people forget why we are debating. What we see now is that when debates get though, people don't give a millimetre away to the other side. We debate to crush the other ones arguments. And finally, we see a lot discussion ending in personal fights. Politics are hard, that is true, but with politics we want to make progress.
I know we cannot do anything about how people debate. But I think everyone should think about what they want to reach when they debate.

In this debates we want to see more solidarity and understanding. Our country must grow! Keep in mind where the debates are for, for progress!

From the government I want to see more decisiveness. Ministers should work harder, or work together, on the plans that the government published. For example, our constitution. This project is taking to long! Also we didn't see many articles from Media and Health. Their are enough articles that can be easily reposted. It is not that difficult. I want to see that from our government, and I will promise that I will talk to our ministers if they don't do that. Of course I will do that in cooperation with our Prime Minister. Also, I want to see a weekly news, with news from all the ministries. It is a must to inform the citizens. You can expect from me a lot of articles to inform the citizens.

I support the idea Citizens for Unity. I think its a good idea, and together we must work on that. I call on every citizen in this country to join that group. Give your opinion, give your advice, say what you think. This is your country, and you can work for it to! Only together we can make our nation flourish.

As you know, I am not active on the international field at all. I don't know much about the international politics. But the president of the PEACE countries are representative for their nation.
I believe it will cost me too much time to get involved in the international politics and PEACE. Therefore I have asked AndreasIsaksson to be our representative in PEACE when I will be president. He accepted that job.
For all other issues concerning international politics I will ask our new Minister of Foreign Affairs for advice, or ask him – when needed – to do the talks himself.
Together we can be strong on international politics.

As we all know activity from the president is a hot issue these days. I cannot promise you that I am very active every day. As you know, since two weeks I am a dad. Me = daddy🙂 .
This requires a lot of improvisation with time at home. I hope and will try to be there every day. I will do my best, and I hope you will do that too.

As you can see I am running for president from my own ArtemIvanov-for-president party.
I want to be a neutral president. I will not favour any party.. I want to be there for everyone, and for all the parties.
I will look at all plans without prejudices. I will listen to everyone. I will talk to everyone. When there are big issues, or when we have to made big decisions I will talk to all the active parties (party presidents) about what they think about the issue. I believe its important that the president knows what the parties think, and what they want. With this information I want to help finding the best accepted solutions to the problems of our nation.

This was my presentation. Feel free to ask any questions you still have! You will get a answer from me as soon as possible!


Your next president?
