A new start and MU for sale

Day 1,870, 01:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

"Most of the time life changes is not chosen by us"

For some reason the reigns of my MU was handed to AYB zig a player I dont really know that well. I was demoted to captain. I did not do this myself.

Well anyway as soon as the moderators who is handling my ticket in the "top customer department" wakes up or return from holiday I will be selling the "Sons of Dublin" MU for a reasonable 20 Gold.

Since I'm apparently a top customer the mods will handle the finicky detials but I have no problem in receiving payment after your instated in the commander job.

Lastly I will be joining the Irish Army as heromaniac seanan can clear up the word. I cant remember the exact word but it sounded like when you cough up some phlegm in your throat. Also can I have the title of berzerker who gets 50 Q7 weapons a day Seanan?

I will still be dishing out my newspaper although probably not from the perspective of a small MU commander. So expect some different articles.

pS irr's younger sister "irish lass reawakened" has now been sending me pics. Sordid details will hopefully be revealed later. Ughmm I just have to find money to travel to ireland ughmmm ughmmm.

pssess if someone invaded my account and did this all i can say is bastardo!

or in the words of Viktor Kurgan