A minor starters guide to eRep

Day 1,848, 12:20 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

Congratulations! You've decided to join the online game, eRepublik. Your friend kept telling you about all the scandals and you've finally decided to join.

Now, how does one go about joining the New World? You click register.

Good work, you've found the register button and are now signing up.

You're a classy guy and everyone knows it! Why not name yourself Banana Guy? It's a great name after all, shame on whoever mocks it. After all, you're going to do great things in this world.

Your account has been made and you've joined eCanada!

Good choice!

The people there are very helpful and in-depth. You're bound to make a few friends before things start getting a bit complicated.

What's this, you have a message? Oh my, it's from the CP and Government of eCanada! How exciting, what are you waiting for... Open it!


That's a lot of information! I should make sure to bookmark each link, just in case I need it later.

There are a lot of things we can do currently! We can join a MU or read some articles.

You've decided to join a MU. Nice work, why read articles when we won't understand until we've come a little way through the game.

Now, there are a lot of MUs to join but since we're rushing through things... We'll just join, http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/2333

They seem to be really nice people and they're training new players. Wow, that sounds perfect for you!

Since we've found a MU, let's move on, and continue drilling you in the ways of eRepublik.

We'll go to the main page by clicking on the small house and read the MU feed. Since we're still busy, let's write a small message saying Hello to everyone in the MU.

Onwards, we go!

The Welcome Message mentioned these three tips,

Stockpile: Energy Bars, Gold, Bazookas
Always: Train and fight
Do not: Waste money on Health Packs

In short, SAD.

You should make sure to follow them and become a real force to reckon with later in the game.

Since we've completed the basics, we'll read an article since we're still a bit confused... It seems to be written by a user named, Plugson. Let's start reading!


This article is very explanatory and needs to be bookmarked! It contains a lot of useful information and tips for new players like you.

Good work so far! You've read your first article, found your way through the game, and joined a MU!

///I tried.