A game guide for permanent and eternal newbies like me

Day 2,575, 23:07 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Poncho Warrior

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Although now the new players in eR are an endangered species, as you know, was not the case before. In times when players abounded, it was a great job and pleasure at the same time trying to teach the game mechanics and disseminate general ways a good strategy to begin in eRepublik. I spent a long time working with the Ministry of Education in eArgentina, putting my two cents there to teach and guide new players. During this experience I realized that it is very important to know that you always have something to learn here. Caundo I was a professor, rookies were often questions with no easy answer, put one into the situation to find out the answer; I myself did not know it, fortunately, always found someone to turn to and capable of resolving doubts. Therefore is my habit to read guides, newspapers and send mp many players to keep learning not only about the mechanics of the game, not very difficult, but also on the relevance of the different modules of eRepublik, something more complex.

Today I wanted to know something more about trade embargoes. In this guide I found some information on the subject. I want to share with you this external website that explains the game, I hope you find it as useful as I turned to me.

Thank you very much for reading !!!

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A game guide for permanent and eternal newbies like me

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