21 v 1

Day 1,435, 12:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

So, I was really excited about our win in Louth. Unfortunately, I was at school, so articles here,here and here were published before me. As such, mine will not be the first one out, but I will write this article.

Go ahead try to stop me. I'll wait right he....

Tricked ya?
Anyway. Setting the scene:Temujin; CP of eUK wrote this article.
In short, it tell of how stupid Ireland and Canada were being by not bowing down before them.

For your convenience, I have taken screenshots Of the rounds and the total stats. As you can see, our cries of 'COME AT US BRO' in the Article by the UK CP, went unanswered. Ireland, in a move that will leave the UK cringing for a long time, beat ONE by itself (20 allies + UK
I think it is beast if I leave you with a quote from Irishbhoy1967, uttered last night when UK attacked Louth.
1 vs 21 Good odds for ICA lads

More picturesand more proof that we thrashed the eUK. Thanks for the pics Bhane!

Patrick O'Leary
Dashed of as soon as I got home
HAIL well, IRELAND...again