[UKPP] Democracy Joins the Team!

Day 2,288, 11:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by TheJny123

Hello everyone, as you can tell from the title i have found myself in the place i began...

The other night at a GBDP meeting it was decided, at the suggestion of Neil Lewis, that a good number of us would sell our souls join UKPP in a merge. This decision was reached among those present after long discussion and all those present have joined and other are expected to follow in the coming days. Although GBDP has merged with UKPP it may still live on through a new generation of players but i myself shall call this the closing of that chapter of my eLife.

So why the UKPP, well first of all it has a great community who if you are willing to help are willing to give you positions. Take me for example, i joined no more than a day ago and asked what jobs i could do and now i am spokesman. Hence the following part of my article, recruitment!

I'm going to start with a few of the policies I have been supplied with:

Taxes- We believe that we should keep low taxes whenever and wherever possible in reason. this is mostly because the tax system is on a good stable rate at the moment and everyone loves a tax cut.
Minimum wage- We have no plans to increase the current minimum wage as it is at a good rate for commune and there are plenty of jobs above the minimum wage.

I shall discuss more policies when i have discussed and understood them properly.

There are of course other reasons to join the UKPP and I think the most noteworthy is its community. It is full of friendly people who are willing to help you and work alongside you. I have many fond memories in this party and look forward to gaining many more.

So i leave you with that, i'll be back with more to tell in the near future.

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