[UKPP] Congress list

Day 3,078, 02:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pannonian Nomad

Greetings and salutations eUK community o7

It has been a long month without Congress, but it's finally back, so we are inviting you to give as a vote tomorrow.

As our party members are slowly dying, I remembered the time when I joined the party, we had near 200 members, so now we try to keep the active ones active. Party communication has again been moved to group messages, help is being given to those who need to finish upgrading their training grounds and Congressman opportunities are offered to those who never had that magical experience. Maybe they will like it, maybe they won't, but at least they get a nice medal on they profile.

Voting for the UKPP Congress list has been returned, but a little bit modified. The votes define spots 1 to 4 and the PP has the freedom to modify the rest of the list if he wants. No Gdocs, as I am old school, people wrote down 3 names from those who applied (1 vote = 1 point) (I wasn't an option, because the PP usually gets a lot of votes, no need for that, so I just put myself automatically behind the others.)

12 people decided to vote and the result was the following: Killermarine 12 points, BlackDeath 11 points, MadAsToast 10 points, THE EMPRAH 2 points and Mo Kushla 1 point.

And here I present you the finasl UKPP Congress list:

(We also have the account called King WIlliam the Great in spot 8, but as the owner of that account only uses it for trolling, there is no need for him to be officially presented.)

So please give us a vote and you are also welcome to join us o7