[SOS] CP Candidate

Day 1,929, 01:49 Published in Japan Denmark by Oraizan

It's been a busy week for myself, for SOS, and for eJapan. I apologize for not getting this in the media earlier, as you know, I and some other individuals were busy organizing a Kinki RW. Now it's time to get back on track, I am running for CP of this beautiful country. I'll briefly go over the basics of what I hope to achieve if I win. However, I hope my opposition will take note and strive towards some of my idea's should I lose. It's high time eJapan progresses towards the strong, well organized, and honorable country that we all know she can be.

Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBkapHrXOmI


This has been a big issue for some months now, and has killed much activity eJapan could have, just by being informed. It is my promise to keep everybody knowledgeable from what I'm doing, and open to answering any questions, listening to any criticism, and suggestions a citizen may have. This is how I run SOS, and will run the country. I have an open mind, so I will be able to look at everybody equally and appropriately.

Government Structure
I will be adding some positions to each ministry to improve efficiency in the cabinet. Having more people with less responsibility, allowing each member to focus on the task ahead of them and put 100% of their effort into it. I will use people from each party to fill the positions. The rough look is as follows:

Prime Minister
Secretary of State

Minister of Defense
Defense Team
Advisor of Defense

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Head of Ambassadors

Minister of Finance
National Currency Broker

Minister of Security

Minister of Education
Vice Minister of Education
Secretary of History
Head of Graphics

Ministry of Information
Secretary of information

Ministry of Culture and Events

Foreign Affairs

I've been saying this for a while, but we need to be in contact with eRoC and it's government. They hold some of our regions, and of course we want them all. But they do not have to be our enemy because of it. I will push to free Shikoku no matter what. I hope to prove to eRoC that we can be friends, and a stable neighbor.

We should be participating in CoT more than we have been, eJapan and it's citizens have honorable beliefs and idea's, even if we are small. It is my wish for other countries (especially allies) to see our activity, and become more friendly with us. I plan to make our assistant military commander become more involved because of it. First, he/she will educate eJapan on CoT. The wikipedia is out of date, so research will probably have to be done. Second, I will push for him/her to be more knowledgeable before entering meetings. Third, active in their channels and networking with the other aMC's. This all means, the aMC must be a friendly person able to visit IRC and chat, obviously.


Citizen Training
National MU’s have not had funding for a while now due to funding. I don’t think that this should be an issue, you can see with SSG and many other countries, that there are ways around relying on finding. The priority to the Minister of Defense will be to set-up a way to give supplies and training to the national MU’s.

Shikoku is the only region left, after that we will be left to fight for our CoT allies full force. I do however, wish to help eSK. We have been close to them in the past, and although lately those relations have slipped, eJapan is in eAsia and we must think about having those close to us as allies. Like the Sol alliance tried to accomplish and failed, eJapan must succeed with in our affairs, a prosperous and close eAsia.


These are good for younger citizens who lack gold and currency, but my idea of education is not to just handout items. I wish to limit Giveaways to a couple times a week at most, and focus on other aspects that eJapan actually needs. Giving people items helps them, but it does not teach them how to play the game, while not wasting money that can be used for other things. Instead, I will focus activity in-game for education by the rest of the plans in this section.

eJapan is at large uninformed. You can see that in the last NE proposal, in the Kinki battle with all the wasted damage, etc. I will put this ministry forward full force towards educating eJapan on eRepublik mechanics. That means guides for Congress, PP, battles, economy, and the basics. I look forward to the communities input on the guides, so we can fine tune them and help our citizens understand eRepublik, faster.

Kokawa Jinja
When Kokawa was in his prime, he started up a labor organization called the Kokawa Jinja. He asked each citizen firstly, to donate a portion of his or her congress gold to the organization, which he would use to fund giveaways. This was early V1, so eJapanese were having a hard time even with food. Later on, citizens came to donate more often. I hope to bring this back, as our eternal emperor, he should be remembered some way, and it is a good way to grow the treasury.

eRepublik NEEDS to be translated into Japanese. I plan to create rewards for people who move to work on translating it on the forums. Something similar to “every ten words each person gets 1g” or something. It will likely have to be personally funded and discussed amongst the whole cabinet before I can give a detailed structure, But giving incentive may help improve the speed.


My main goal will be to stockpile weapons, food, and cc. My reasoning for this, is in the event that some country assaults us, we are defenseless without a backup fund. For example, our Allies may have other battles to fight, and might not be able to defend us as much as we like. We must be prepared to help defend ourselves. We will still need to spend some of the government funds, but I plan to use them more wisely, and budget what we have so we can leave more than I started with.

Mutual Protection Pact’s are expensive, but a necessity. If not to defend yourself, or for cheap easy fights for our allies. I will limit the MPP’s, and instead push for countries to accept the possibility of MPPing us in event of an attack, as well as MPP(s) with select countries which will have planned wars by CoT in the future. This way, we can have eJapan and all our allied countries ready to vote ‘yes’ and also save money, for the above, stockpiling, but also do our part for our alliance. Of course, I will accept any MPP that is paid for by another country, or citizens, as long as they are an ally.


Citizenship Passes
Congress has a hard time deciding upon a law, it’s no secret. Our past policies in the meantime have been to dictate over citizenship, and to do nothing. I want to do the ‘in-between’ choice, and have a flexible temporary system, with a minister of security. Basically, somebody in the ministry will speak to each applicant in-game asking a few simple questions, (Similar to what tom used to do long ago) at which point he will bring to the forum and allow anybody from the community to vouch for him or complain about him. This will be the deciding factor, and a way to screen each applicant. The Minister will then decide to approve or disapprove each applicant, after 2 days. Each applicant can also apply on the forum, to avoid having their CS time run out.

This means that the Security team must be neutral and cool-headed, to avoid disapproving people for silly reasons. I will allow congress to petition for any decision made change, and leave the CP to overrule any decision at congress or the CP’s own discretion, in the event that the Security Team makes a, to be blunt, bad decision. This is something I believe we can all agree on, as each person in eJapan gets a say, as friends to eJapanese will 99% of the time be approved. I will only try to enforce keeping a person out, if we find they have a bad track record. This will end if we decide on a law.

Immigration law
I plan to work closely with the cabinet to use all that congress has discussed, and put forth a draft with the best of everything for a new immigration law. Congress will get to discuss it again and make changes, and hopefully come up with a final product before the end of the term to vote on.


The biggest role for this ministry will be to release updates about what’s going on in each ministry. Thus, these ministers will work closely with each ministry, especially the ministry of education. I will push for articles at least twice a week, even if just ‘fun’ ones, to bring activity, but also to make sure to be as transparent as possible. This will also allow each citizen to give their input on what’s going on, and learn more about how their government works.

World Events
I would like to see eJapan be more knowledgeable on what is going on with other countries, as well as our own. Thus, as Koragi and Robert E. Lee has done before, I’ll keep a position open to reporting about the battles and any big changes in the eworld.

As this is a ministry about information, I will have them screen each CS applicant as well, so that we know exactly who is coming into eJapan and what they are bringing to the country. While I think many of our citizens follow the policy of looking into who they accept, I’d like to ensure that each applicant is in-fact checked.

Ministry of Culture and Events

Empress Day
As many know, this is a holiday I created a long time ago. I’d like to see it be as active and fun as it was last time I held this position and operated Empress Day. Thus, the minister chosen will be somebody able to RP and bring enthusiasm to the role.

Holidays and General Events
As of right now, most MoCE or MoCH basically just operate empress day. I will push for more events and RL holidays in Japan being brought to the game, so we can all learn, and fun, and get free stuff. There are after all, 3 holidays in Japan that can be celebrated here in eJapan.

That’s a rough look at what I want to achieve.
tl;dr, vote Oraizan, and support her for the 5th!
Questions, comments, concerns? Let me know. If not here, a PM or IRC is fine.
日本万歳! Nippon Banzai!
~お愛山 Oraizan