[SoMF] Werewolves day 2

Day 2,075, 03:40 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
[SoMF] Werewolves day 2

Today might be the last day of the villagers if they are wrong… And they were well aware about it. They had no choice but to find one of the two werewolves hidden among them. This crisis situation lead some people to act even weirder than before.

ErnestHemingway picked up a large stick, threw it away as far as he could and shouted : 'Here boy, go fetch!'. Did he hoped that werewolves acted like dogs? If this was the case he got really disappointed. Even if it were the case, a random dog that appeared to be there (first time that anyone has ever saw him in the village) picked up the stick and ran away with it before anyone could even lay a finger. Ernest ran after him to get his stick back… Could it be that he actually was a werewolve and ran after this stick? Anyway when he came back, the only thing he found was dog food with a Procuste label. Had the ghost reincarnated into the walking dog? Who knows.

Kaniballos looked in the divine scriptures to find some hints that would have been written down by the godly pink unicorn god when he wrote the story of his life. He thought that Beavers could have been out during the previous night based on it. As a stranger, he also claimed that there was no werewolves in the far away country he came for… And maybe he was right but who could know what existed in that far away country? Maybe that he could be something worse!

Meanwhile, the head of the blind Bruno was empty. A lot of people died in that village, but who was actually left? Only five people but he couldn’t figure who was remaining. Did he not cared at all about his townmates?

The town was filled in by more and more ghosts. The lewd voice of Critically sounded lightly, suggesting that those who have memory problems could be those who try to eat the other ones. Bruno who was a well known ghost whisperer began a heated debate with the different ghosts of the town. He claimed that Critically was jealous about him going to marry the now dead Procuste. The ghost of the latests claimed that he actually married a pink unicorn when he was drunk and that he could only dream of wedding with her.

Love deception could be a good motive to kill someone claimed Kaniballos… Therefore Bruno would be a logical choice of werewolve… However, the majority of the citizens decided that the scriptures could not lie and that Beavers had to be lynched!

Seeing the death sentence approaching, he tried to escape, but an invisible pink hand caught the fugitive and brought him back in the hands of his soon to be murderers.

A couple of minute later he was hanging on a tree, may his dark soul rest in peace…

No specific signs showing that he was not human appeared when he was dead. But who knows how to make the distinction between a dead werewolve and a dead human? Ernest and Kaniballos were still lost in thought not knowing if they had made the right choice when SX80 and BrunoCND stabbed them back together.

This was the end of a long story… The victory of the werewolves!

Congratulation to both winners, your reward of 500 BEF will be send soon 😉.

Secretary of Media & FUN