[SoMF]The Never-Ending-Story - chapter 2

Day 2,042, 07:35 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
The Never-Ending-Story

I always wanted to know how a story would look like if it was told by everyone instead of one person.
The idea of this "story" thing came from this forum-topic called Make A Story witch was started by Yannis de Leeuw.

->note: there are no prices attached to this game.

How does it work?

You as person who places a comment in the article will be making that story, all i do is give the first words and then you provide a new line to contineu the story and then someone else places a comment for the story...etc, etc.
After 2 days of this story going on i will begin a new article where i will write down all the comments from the previous article and you can add a new line from there.
If this idea is successful i might eventually need to leave part of the story in another article, but...... The story itselve will never end!!!

This is where the story goes on...

There where strange people...

Secretary of Media & FUN