[SoMF] Hemingway's Big Safari

Day 2,091, 07:41 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education

So you think you have what it takes to hunt big game, do you? Frankly, I doubt it. Stalking big prey like the animals of Africa requires skill, a keen eye and a steady hand. And a bloody strong rifle.

And a gin & tonic. Never forget the gin & tonic!

Perhaps a test of your skill is in order then? We’ll even throw in a few prizes for the lads and lasses who actually manage to impress me.

We’ll leave the rifle for now...wouldn’t want you to shoot you in your own foot. This safari will be all about spotting the animals.

During this presidential term, several African animals will be hidden in government articles. This can be any article in any government newspaper we publish. Just like on the African savannah, you don’t know when an animal will pop up, where it will be or even how many there will be.

So you better get ready and get reading those articles, because your fellow hunters will be on the same trail as you are.

To give you a headstart, I’ll give you your first animal for free, so you know what to look out for in the future. Here, have a hyena.

Be watchful though....it’s animals you’re looking for. I don’t care for any jeep sightings or other strange items you might encounter.

If you think you’ll have them, you can send me your data through this link:

As for prizes, we’ll be giving away 500 BEF to the hunter who gets most animals right and sends them in first. Follower-ups will get cash prizes as well. You can send them in any time you like up to the first of september. You can send them in earlier if you want, but you then risk to miss animals of course. False sightings will cost you points.

And of course, Ministers can’t join in, they are just too busy with running the great country Belgium is!

Good hunting!