[SoMF]Find an avatar

Day 2,055, 23:45 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
[SoMF]Find an avatar

At first I would like to thanks tommot for the great job he did last month and the high level of activity that he reached as SoMF 😉.

I made a short introduction here about my term but let's begin with the real stuff 😛.

The first idea of game has been proposed by our dear president Elynea.

As some of you don't like my avatar:

I propose a great contest to find me a new avatar that both I and the Belgian Encyclopedia accounts will wear during the incoming month.

This will be done in two steps:

1: All the persons who would like to propose an avatar will have 24 hours to send me their proposals either on this thread or by private message if they want to do it anonymously (it will be extended if there are not enough proposals).*

2: A vote will be organised such that you can decide the avatar that you prefer to see during the month.

A reward of 1000 BEF will be provided to the winner.

That's it for this opening, good luck to all the participants 😉.

Secretary of Media & FUN

* The only condition to be fulfilled is that the avatar must be compliant with eRepublik laws.