[SOMF] eDixit

Day 2,092, 08:24 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education

Jofroi (hail the glorious and eternal dictator!) (sorry, he made me say this) has taken the classical card game ‘Werewolves of Wakkerdam’ and given it an eRepublik twist.
So why not try our hand at another great card/board game and give the great ‘Dixit’ a try?

A game of Dixit is both simple and fabulous. Each of the players take turns as ‘the storyteller’.

The storyteller selects an image on the internet and describes it with a cryptic sentence or a word, without revealing the image. Now all other players select an image of their own choice that matches the description as well.

I will shuffle and post all images and then players get to guess which was the initial image chosen by the storyteller.

Points are given according to three simple rules:

If nobody or everybody finds the correct card, the storyteller scores 0, and each of the other players scores 2.

Otherwise the storyteller and whoever found the correct answer score 3.

Players, except the storyteller, score 1 point for every vote for their own card.

The game ends when every player has been storyteller once.

Dixit is a game of great strategy: if your description is too easy and obvious, everyone else will score but you. Yet, if you make it too difficult, you won’t earn any points either.

I will allow a maximum of ten players, so tell me: who’s in for a game of Dixit?