[SoMF]Add a Caption!

Day 2,044, 08:40 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
Add a Caption!

What is it?
Just like the last time, a simple text-to-image contest.

How does it work?
First) I place an image that has no text on it(most likely the first moments i go online). These images will most likely be something funny or cute.

Second) You type out a few words or expression or sentence/line/phrase that depicts or expresses what you think fits to this image inside the comments.

3th) Just before he goes offline that same day my assistant will announce witch Caption has won(this is decided based on what i described in the "second" point) and add a new image for the next Caption(as soon as i am able to go online).
The winning text will be added below the image or in a comment until the text can be added to the image itself. You do not need to make this image yourself(unless you want to do it, but not needed).

Finally) My assistant will announce the winner of the latest un-finished image/Caption and do the same as was done the day before. I will also replace the winning Caption of the previous day with a text-in-image version.

As an article will only appear in the news-feed for a maximum of 2 days there will be no more than 4 images to add a caption to. Yet with a repost new images will be added.

1 final note, The price to win: 50 BEF

All participants will also receive 10 BEF
This amounth is more then enough to buy a few high-grade weapons or high-level food,... However you see fit.

So much for the wall of text... 😛
Here is the first image to... ADD A CAPTION


Yannis de Leeuw Sharing "Cuteness" ... Downloa😛 47%

And this is the next one:

Winners so far:
* Cotarius: "You thought the smoke cames from the cigarette...." <- -> paid
* Beaverss Tribute to Raskol: "what's yr problem dude?" <- -> paid
* BelgiumGeneral: "Happy chair! He loves your butt" <- -> paid
* Lorcema: "Don't take the pic!! Don't take the pic!!" <- -> paid
* Ayleo: "Hey, can I have some ? Please ?" <- -> paid
* Elynea: "i'm famous, i'm famoust !" <- -> paid

* Yannis de Leeuw Sharing "Cuteness" ... Downloa😛 47% <- -> paid
* .. .


Secretary of Media & FUN
