[Przewodnik na temat zdrowia] Hello Polska

Day 805, 15:34 Published in Poland Italy by Oivalf

Hello obywateli polskich,

Oivalf moje imię i jestem obywatelem włoskim, spokojny, nie martw się nie jestem tutaj, aby reklamować inwazyjne lub cokolwiek, ale tylko postarać się o mojej pracy w swoim kraju, rodzaju podróż dookoła świata chcę doprowadzić moje Gazety we wszystkich krajach.

W moim referacie napisałem i opublikowane pewne wskazówki dla nowych obywateli, ponieważ byłem tam około polską publiczność, niestety nie będzie błędy w tłumaczeniu, jeśli ktoś może go poprawić i może opublikować je w poprawnej wersji będzie bardzo przydatne, oto przewodnik oparty na eRepublik zdrowia:

For my spa down quickly?

1. He is working on a business too high quality (Q5-Q4).

2. Do not eat, remember to keep food (food) in your inventory, so if you're going away for a couple of days for you to feed in the day to be absent.

3. If your welfare drops to zero, the citizen died shortly after.

What can I do to improve my wellness?

1. Go to a region with a hospital that is better quality Q 5.

2. Buy a food (food) superior Q5-Q4.

3. Buying a house or a house of superior quality.

4. Learning to fight and treat yourself to the hospital.

5. Gift (gifts) to contact a few friends who give you gift or otherwise create an organization and so you self-gift items in your account citizen.

Instructions for Use

Keep your wellness at high levels is very important for all, remaining with more than 90 points of wellness (wellness) you'll be a good soldier, when you go to Work (work) will make your production more and more every time you and your employer will pay more. Your primary goal is to reach 100 points for Wellness to perform these three operations is: Work (Labor), Train (coach) and Fight (fight) in an optimal manner, we will go into detail and see how we can keep up the Wellness and how to increase:

Increase and keep up the Wellness:

Food (Food)

In your inventory should have some food and eat it every day automatically if there is one hath the Wellness decreases, the wellness bonus you get depends on the quality of the food we eat, for example, the Food Quality Food (food) Q 1 gives 1 bonus point for wellness, quality of food Q gives you 2 points 2 points of wellness and so on.

House (house)

Once you purchase a home, you can carry in your inventory and give you bonus points being automatically every day. The bonus being you get depends on the quality of the house you own. For example, a class of House (House) Q 1 gives you 1 bonus point being, the quality of House Q 2 gives you 2 points of wellness and so on.

Gift (Gifts)

A friend or an organization can give you a gift (a gift) but if you buy them to donate them to other people in need but not receive any benefit for yourself. You may receive a bonus of 10 points thanks to a day spa Gift, such as the Food (food) and House (house) the higher the Quality of Gift more points you get, I think there is a limit to no more than Gift 4 if they can donate ...

Hospital (Hospital)

When fighting in a battle (Fight), the hospital in the region is open 24 hours on 24, you can earn bonus points depending on the quality of wellness Hospital. For example, a quality 5 star Hospital gives 50 bonus points of wellness, a quality 4-star Hospital gives 40 bonus points and so on. Be sure to check which region you are in, and go to the region with the Hospital of the highest quality in order to receive more points and maintain wellness always high. You can use the hospital only if you are over 40 points of well-being, if you have less than 40 points contact someone immediately or contact the Welfare Minister.

Wellness Packs

Each pack of Wellness Pack gives you 10 bonus points and Gold Coast 2 (Max 40 points a day), you have no need to spend that amount of Gold unless you're a hopeless case.

How to lose Wellness:

Work (Labor)

You lose points each time you work wellness, the number of points you lose depends on the quality of the company you work for. For example, you lose 1 point of wellness to a level Q 1 company, 2 points of wellness to a level Q 2, and so on. Make sure you know and always check the quality of the company you work for so we know how many points are lost each day spa, and consequently how many bonus points you earn every day. In fact, for new citizens will agree to work in companies with Q (quality) low so as not to lose much wellness.

Train (coach)

Go into the Army for a workout, you lose 1 point each time you practice wellness, if you exercise, do not miss wellness.

Company (owning company)

The advice I can give you is to avoid owning companies in your name (city), in fact have a business that is being a general manager, every day is lost 1 point of wellness, more companies will have more points and wellness are lost. Instead, create an organization for 5 Gold, is a good investment, considering that you save your wellness, you can create and manage your business from there, wages, etc ... You will also have a second inventory where you can store other objects.


To combat just go into Army - Show Active Wars and see if in your country (èItalia) are active wars, every time you fight, you lose 10 points of wellness. For example, if you fight 5 times, you will lose 50 points of wellness, if you fight 4 times you will lose 40 points of wellness and so on. To achieve wellness in a hospital, you must fight, you can use the hospital care only if you are over 40 points of wellness, so when you fight always give a look to your wellness.

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