[Project] Avio player's 10 week giveaway & Reorganization!

Day 3,740, 17:11 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Defence

16-Feb-2018/Day 3740
Swiss Air Force

Dear Swiss citizens,

Swiss Air Force (SAF) from now on will be under me Blackebard I. I will take care about our SAF military unit and I will reorganize, modernize and continue the work from our previous commander Murdersas with the project "Swiss Avio Project".

Our biggest goal is to keep the Swiss Avio Project that is part of Plato Fondation and it`s the biggest help to our community and our young citizens who finally find way to have fun and beside that help Swiss and our allies on Air Battles.

But we are not going to stop here, mine plan is going to start with good organization. We should be more organized and with the good organization the good result will come. All of this will bring activity and fun. First thing that I change and will look to improve in future is the activity and interaction in the Military Unit.

Swiss Air Force Organization:

Head of the Air Force: Blackbeard I
Deputy Commander of the Swiss Air Force: Liakouris
Captain of Regiment 1: N.J Spykman

Advisors: Muy Caliente and Murdersas
Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/eZTFZH2 ( #swiss-air-force)

We are going to use Discord Channel beside the mass pm for coordination and organized strike where we are going to hit together on our battles and the battles of our allies.

After we enstablish the organization we are going to public our future projects and plans how to improve the Military. I already have couple of them and one will start from this week giveaway. With the funds that we get from the Plato Fond we are going to give 10 gold for first place in opponents defeated. In this case Borgogian, 5 gold for second David Romeo and 3 gold for third Axvall.

1st Borgogian - http://prntscr.com/ifdib5
2nd David Romeo - http://prntscr.com/ifkdai
3rd Axvall - http://prntscr.com/ifkdjw

From now on every week we are going to have competition in opponents defeated. The prizes will be:

1st - 10 gold for most players defeated, 2nd - 5 gold and 3rd - 3 gold.

This week results can be checked on Weekly Leaderboards > Opponets Defeated > Military Unit - Aaircraft.

Probably we are going to add monthly competition with bigger prize but for this I will need to see and make some calculations first so we can use all the funds smart and make the prizes.

We are preparing guide for Houses, production and use. Soon will be published like part of our Military Unit and we are going to give away low prices Houses to help you out for beginning. This is not going to be our last guide we are going to publish every trick and guide that will help our soldiers.

[Project]Avio player's 10 week giveaway!

* Borgogian - 10.000 q1 food - http://prntscr.com/ifdc5r

* David Romeo - 10.000 q1 food - http://prntscr.com/ifdccr

* Blackbeard I - 10.000 q1 food -

* Murdersas - 10.000 q1 food - http://prntscr.com/ifdcy0

* Axvall - 10.000 q1 food - http://prntscr.com/ifddc0 ( 8022 ) free slots. I will donate 1978 when Axvall is going to have storage available. Donation link - http://prntscr.com/ifddvu

* Albix - 10.000 q1 food - http://prntscr.com/ifde6j

* Muy Caliente - 10.000 q1 food - http://prntscr.com/ifdeh0

* X E O N the J O K E R - 10.000 q1 food - http://prntscr.com/ifdet1

* Diegosar - 10.000 q1 food - ( 871 free slots in his storage. ) - http://prntscr.com/ifdf9r

- If anyone don`t get the food please inform me on discord or with pm;
- 20.000cc were donated to RH Squad, for future Swiss commune;

We are going to open Google Sheet where we are going to track the rank, damage, giveaway and more Statistics. Hope some will be interested to update it daily, weekly or at least monthly.

Anyone interested to help me and the organization about the projects, or have some good idea it`s free to take part and help us grow.

And I almost forgot that new avatars that will be recognaizable are coming, we should look like a great squad!

Swiss here, Swiss there, Swiss everywhere.
Swiss Air Force Commander
Blackbeard I